-+Very+- Laurance x Reader

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I got ideas by the Gene x Reader x Travis.

The ending is Lime, Just be warned by the ending. I'm preparing you for this and I felt pretty weird typing it. THE ENDING WAS NOT PLANNED!

Lime is kissing, making out, hickeys. That stuff, look it up. Unless You're younger and have no clue what Sex is, I suggest you don't read the ending then, but there is no sex, but if you don't like kissing type of affection I warned you.. Read the end with caution.

Most people are shocked by what you do, and like. You seem so girly, but you're the opposite. You're the captain of the girls soccer team, you go to the gym and work out, long story short; you're athletic, and a tomboy.

Yeah, you wear your hair up, but it doesn't mean anything. It's only in a ponytail. You have the people you like, and dislike. You don't look like a very kind person by your cold gaze, and by your body language.

Soccer is your main sport. It's like when you go to college, you have your main and a backup. Now you're probably wondering: what's the backup then? That my friends, is gymnastics or ballet. Pretty shocking, right?

Not. People wonder how you're so flexible during your games, easy answer. Most people has their childhood friend or friends. You're a loner, but you DO have a childhood friend, and that is the captain of the soccer team; Laurance.

You and Laurance decided to practice on eachother. "So, Lucy. Who gets the ball?" You asked him. He looked over to you with a slight glare. "Why are you still calling me that?" He asked and walked over to you. "Eh, childhood thing." You shrugged and looked at Laurance-who is right in front of you.

"I guess I'll start since I have the ball?" You asked and he nodded. "I guess you will." He shrugged.

You two played soccer for a while. Laurance has been acting different. He lost a soccer game last week. And he rarely does. That surprised you. He's been acting different around you too.

You shook your head a kicked the ball to Laurance. "It's your ball." You told him. He nodded.

You two played his round for a few minutes, but..

You were in front of Laurance and he was in front of you. He wanted to kick the ball at a short distance for some reason. He went to go kick it but tripped on the ball and fell on you. Kissing you.

He quickly scrambled off and held his hand out to help you up. He looked to the side with his face red as a cherry. "S-sorry.." He mumbled. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up.

You looked off into the distance and saw the ball all the way back. You sighed. "I'm going to go get the ball.." He watched your back ad you ran off to where the ball is.

"Lady trouble, Laurance?" Laurance looked to his left and saw his blond-haired friend. "No Garroth." Laurance crossed his arms and puffed his cheek slightly. "It seems like it to me." Garroth said with the left side of his mouth curved into a very small smile. Laurance sighed. "Fine, yes. I am having 'Lady trouble."

Garroths small sly smile turned into a grin. "I saw what happened." He teased slightly and Laurance looked at Garroth from the corner of his light blue eyes. "Saw WHAT?" He emphasized. Garroth's grin turned into smirk. "Your little kiss with (Y/N)~" Garroth teased. Laurance blushed a tiny bit and moved his gaze to watch you kick the soccer ball around.

"You like her..Right?" He asked, with his questioning look. "Well, yeah.." Laurance mumbled. Garroth sighed, crossing his arms and shook his head. "Laurance, I'm no Cupid, but I can give you some advice."

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