-+Satisfied+- Dante x Reader + Nicole

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Aye, Hamilton is back.
This is the second part/prequel to A Helpless Winter's Ball


You and Dante pulled away from each other and turned towards Travis who was grinning at the both of you with a slight dull look in his eyes.


Dante looked back towards you and chuckled at his best friend. Dante put his arm around your shoulder as he lead you towards the table for the bride and groom. "Now, everyone, give it up for the maid of honor!" Travis turned his attention to his left and held out the second glass in his hand. "Nicole Schuyler!"

Everyone else cheered as Nicole walked up to Travis, he handed the glass to her and gave a dry smile to her which she returned. She held out her hand, putting the glass in the air. "A toast to the groom!"

"To the groom!"

"To the groom!"

"To the groom!"

Her hand lowered slightly, and she turned around to face the both of you. "To the bride..!"

"To the bride!"

"To the bride!"

"To the bride!"

Dante reached over the table slightly and grabbed two glasses. He sat back down and handed the other glass to you with a heartfelt smile. You blushed slightly and returned the smile, then took the glass from him.

"From your sister!"




She smiled at the two of you seeing as both of your glasses were in the air for her. "Who's always by your side!"

"By your side!"

"By your side!"

"To your Union!"

"To the Union!"

"To the revolution!"

You chuckled slightly as Dante practically sprung up from his seat for that. He gave a sheepish smile to you and sat back down.

"And the hope that you provide!" Your eyes widened slightly as your face began heating up as Dante propped his elbow on the table and rubbed the back of his neck, his own face growing pink.



Nicole's smile faded slightly. She shook her head slightly and held the glass up higher. "And may you always!"


"Be satisfied." Her hand dropped as her smile faded slightly.


Her eyes widened slightly as the room began to turn black.


Her eyebrows furrowed seeing as the darkness began swallowing everyone whole and they didn't notice.


Nicole looked around the now completely black area in a panic. She quickly turned around and her hands were immediately grabbed by her sister- you. "(Y/N)! What's goin-"


Sky's the Limit.. sky's the limit..

She watched as you let go of her hands and spun around in a circle, your (F/C) dress following after.

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