The Fate Of This Book

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I know I say a lot of stuff like this all the time, lol.

But, I'm most definitely going to be ending this book soon.

200 parts will be the final one.

This book is dying, honestly, not many people read it anymore, and I don't think many enjoy it anymore either. As much as I like writing this stuff, I'm not going to continue to update a book no one reads anymore.

If and when this book ends, I honestly don't even know what I'm going to do with this account. I'm pretty much just an Aphmau account, not to mention that I'm like.. a hidden one too, lol.

It'll probably just be the end of this account, I honestly don't even know.

I thought about a second book, but then I was like; "do I really want to start all over again?" "I'm pretty sure no one wants to read Aphmau anymore" oof.

So I honestly just don't know what to do.

I dunno what to do with my life lol,

I have finals next week too,  school ends in about a week, and I'm trying to get into this college thing, so just, gah.

I have a voltron book I can work on, I have some other Aphmau books too.

But I honestly love these characters that Aph created. (The ships and storyline I can argue, but I'm not gonna talk about that)

While Aaron and Aphmau are Gary Sue and Mary Sue, I think I make them.. not so much like that. I do different stuff with the characters, I play with there emotions, make them fall in love, have tragicties. I feel like Shakespeare, lol.

I just don't know anymore, oof.

Anyways, have some random drawings.

Also, if you're gonna comment, save the comments about the drawings for last, lmao.

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