-+My Heart+- Melissa x Reader

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hey.. i got this idea while working on another one-shot.. this takes place in starlight wonderland

Out of fear, Melissa never told her parents of her girlfriend. She didn't want them to hate her for being a human, or disown her for being a lesbian, and you were able to respect that as well, you never told your parents of Melissa either, only because they've been too busy, and you never found the time, nor courage to tell them. Hell, you can't even tell your three brothers. The both of you are happy together, you've been dating for a few years. Whenever one of her parents say something about her being single, the two of you glance at each other.

Most of your friends think you and Melissa are "BFF'S". While Aaron, Aphmau, Zane, and Lucinda, think the both of you are more than that.

Melissa took a step closer to you as Zianna and Sylvana talked loudly to each other. "You okay..?" She quietly asked, and you looked over to her and gave a sad smile. "I wasn't expecting my parents to come here.." Melissa looked down and her ears turn downwards. "I know you're hiding something, Melissa.." she looked over and saw that you were staring ahead.

"It has something to do with the business, right..?" She sighed, then nodded. "Yeah, some.. crazy stuff is going on. And that's the reason why they're here." You looked over to Melissa and her heart broke seeing the sad look on your face.

"'lissa.. I think we.. should.. ya know.." Melissa's heart pounded. "Tell our parents.." she looked down and began to play with her hair. "I-I know this is sudden, but.. we're never gonna be comfortable until we.. come out." She glanced over to you. "I.. guess you're right.."

"(Stupid Nickname)!" You looked over and Zianna came over and glomped you into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you!"

"Y-yeah, mom."

Melissa took this chance to slip away from everyone else, but, Aaron caught sight of her leaving. He excused himself away from Aphmau and followed her.

Melissa walked into her room and began to panic. "What's wrong?" He asked, which made her jump. "A-Aaron, Heeeeeeey! What're you doing?" She laughed nervously and he gave her a look. She sighed and sat down on the bed. "Look, um.. I'm sure you already know.. but.."

"You're dating (Y/N).."

"No, well, yes, but.. ya see.." she tugged on her hair and bit her lip. "Well...." She stood up and went over to the closet, then reached to the top and picked up a box. She waved the (F/C) velvet box in her hand. "I.. want to be more.." she put the box on the bed. "But here's the problem.."

"Mom and dad don't know you two are dating."

"And neither does Zianna or Garte." Melissa added, and Aaron nodded. "(Y/N) said that she thinks it'll be best if we come out."

"I mean.. it probably would be the best thing." Aaron said, and Melissa picked the box up again. "Yeah, but.. it's not easy. You know how strict mom and dad are. You're.. well.. straight, you don't know how they'll react to me and her." She sighed. Aaron walked over to her and sat down beside her. He then put his arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Yeah, they're strict, but not as strict anymore. You don't know how they'll react unless you try."

Meanwhile, Zane was able to get you away from Zianna by preoccupying her with Garroth. When Zane was about to walk away, you grabbed his arm. "Uh, Zane.." he turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Well.." you took your arm back.

"I.. think you know this, but.. Melissa and I are dating.. we have been for a few years now, and well.. I told her that it would be best to tell our parents.." Zane crossed his arms. "But.. we're scared on how they'll react.."

Zane gave a very small laugh, then pulled you into a hug. "Look, mom is the most kindest women I know, she doesn't judge anything. You should know that." You sighed and hugged back. "I'm sure Garte will act the same.. hopefully.. you can never tell with that man." You laughed a bit.


You sat on the couch, shaking your leg. "(N/N).." you looked up and Melissa gave a small smile. "Why don't we go out before we tell them? Just so we have a little more time.." she held her hand out, and you hesitated, but grabbed her hand.

The both of you walked around the park. "Why don't we go on the Ferris Wheel?" Melissa suggested and you only gave a small shrug. When the both of you got on, it was quiet.

Melissa sat in front of you and watched as you looked out the window as it rose off of the ground. "I.. know it's gonna be hard.." You looked over at Melissa. "Telling our parents, but.. I'm sure we can do it.." you gave a small sad smile. Melissa stood up, and walked in front of you. She grabbed your hands and stood you up.

"(Y/N), honestly, bumping into you at that coffee shop was the best thing of my life. I always thought that I'd be alone for the rest of my life, but, I saw you, and I just.. fell in love with you." You smiled at her.

"You're apart of my life, apart of my heart, if you were gone, I probably wouldn't be able to function." You laughed a tiny bit. "So.." Melissa leaned forward and connected her lips with yours.

After a few, she pulled away, which you were pulled forward.

When you fully opened your eyes, you expect to see Melissa in front of you. You looked down and your heart began to pound seeing her on one knee.

"I don't really know how to do this, but.." she took out the ring she's been hiding. "Will you marry me?" You took a shaky breath and blinked your teary eyes.

"Of course, you dummy!"

Another timeskip~

The both of you returned hand-in-hand, and saw both of your parents sitting on the couch, waiting. "I'm glad you two are safe." Derek said, with his arms crossed and his leg shaking. Melissa looked over to you and you only shrugged. "(N/N), honey.." Zianna stood up and walked over to you, then immediately hugged you.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" You looked over at Melissa who shrugged this time. "T-tell you what..?" You asked and she moved away a bit. "That you and Melissa are together!" Your breathing hitched. "Honey, I love you no matter what, with a boy, a girl, or no one at all. That will never change what I think about you." She said, putting a hand on your cheek, and wiped away a few tears that fell down her face.

"Same goes for you, Princess.." Derek said, walking over to Melissa. "We love you no matter what." Melissa gave a small sad smile and hugged her dad.

Garte joined into your hug, and Rachel joined into Melissa's.

Melissa pulled away from the hug. "Actually.." she looked over to you, in which you broke out of that hug and stood next to Melissa. She took your hand. "We aren't dating."

Zianna gave a small squeal.

"We're, uh.. engaged." She said with a small laugh. "When did this happen?" Derek asked with a small laugh. "Not too long ago," you said.

Another timeskip~

Melissa closed her book, and put it on the nightstand, then turned the lamp off and laid down beside you. She hugged you from behind and snuggled into your back.

"You really are my heart, (Y/N).."
And that's it for this one.. I played DDLC the other day.

Doki Doki makes me not Oki Doki.

Anyways, I'm gonna go. So.. yeah, sorry that this sucks..

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