-+A Winter's Prom+- Kai x Reader

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Something short to give to you while I work on part 100.
This takes place in Phoenix Drop high season 2.

Homecoming. One of the best times of the year. Along with Junior prom, but that isn't until later in the year. You didn't want to go to Homecoming, but your sister, Aphmau, convinced you to go. You really do regret going to it. Maybe things would've turned out differently if you didn't go. Dances were never your thing, but, being the oldest and going to work in a company in the future, you'd have to get used to certain types of banquets. You think at least, you aren't too sure.

(That's just a lame excuse for me to say that I'm not too sure. How about, we're both not too sure. Lmao, anyways, going onto the story.)

You also didn't like how you had to wear a dress in the freezing cold, and had to be in high heels for the entire evening, but you had to manage.

During homecoming, you met a guy, his name was Kai. First seeing him, he struck your interest, mainly because he seemed different than the other meif'wa's. He was more calm, and collecting, and wasn't that hyper, unlike other meif'wa's you've met. You weren't quite sure on how he was different, but he just was. Also, upon seeing him, you couldn't explain it. It was either cute, or hot. Or, in more "proper terms" handsome.

When you first began talking, he said he most weirdest thing. "You strike me, as a women who's never been satisfied. No offense." He quickly added and you raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, you forget yourself."

"You're like me, I've never been satisfied."

"Is that right?"

"I've never been satisfied."

"My name's (Y/N) Bravura." You said, and held out your hand, "Kai." He said, taking your hand, instead of shaking it, he planted a small, soft, kiss on your hand. "Where's your family from?" He released your hand, and looked off to the side nervously. "Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait, just you wait." Kai said with a small smile, then walked away to his friends.

You smiled as you watched him walk away from you, to regroup with his friends. "So, so, so, so this is what it feels like to match wits, with someone at your level, what the hell is the catch?" You sat down in a chair, and happily tapped your foot in the wooded floor, you were sure no one who hear that over the music, it's not like someone could pay attention, anyways. Everyone's too busy dancing. "It's the feeling of freedom of seeing the light!" You pushed yourself out of the chair, and spun around. "It's Ben Franklin with a key and a kit- you see it right?"

"The conversation lasted two minutes-" you held up two fingers, and lightly shakes your head, then held up three fingers. "Maybe three minutes- everything we said in total agreement!" You hugged your arms, and spun around again, your (F/C) dress following after you. "It's a dream, and it's a bit of a dance, a bit of a posture, it's a of a stance!"

"He's a bit of a flirt, but I'mma give 'em chance, I asked about his family- did you see his answer?" You looked over to see him happily chatting to his friends. "His hands started figiting and he looked a stance- he's penniless and he's flying by the seat of his pants." You laughed a bit, and leaned against the wall behind you, and glanced back over to him and his friends. "Handsome! Boy does he know it! Peach fuzz and he can't even grow it!" You laughed a small but at how he barely grew anything on his chin. "I want to take him far away from this place-" You felt someone grab your arm, and you looked at them, and discovered it was Aphmau, her face was faintly flushed. "then I turn and see my sister's face and she is-"


You followed her gaze, and then quickly looked back at her, she ticked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "And I know she is.."


You watched as she continued to stare at Kai, as her face began to blush more, one look at her, in her eyes, you could tell she was in love. "And her eyes are just..!"


She bit her bottom lip slightly as a smile formed on her lips, and her cheeks grew redder than before. "And I realized-"

You nodded to her, and began to walk over to him. "Three fundelmental truths at the exact same time."

In the end, you introduced Kai to Aphmau, and they both have seemed to hit it off quite well, and it took only a few days until you heard word of them dating.

If you told her you liked him, she would've silently resigned, and he'd be yours. She'd say she's fine, but she would've been lying, and you didn't want her to be heartbroken. So you stepped aside, and let her have him.
And this is done. Sorry that this is absolutely terrible, it's 3:33am I'm tired, I have school in a few hours, I wanted to get this out for you guys so you had something while I worked on part 100.

I have almost 3000 words and I'm not even close to being finished.



I appreciate your existence c:

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