-+A Wonderful Night+- Dante x Reader

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I'm rewatching Cinderella, and y'all know that's a classic.

You blinked and moved away after being brought back to reality by a loud ding. You looked over to the large clocktower. "Oh my goodness." You glanced back to the man sitting beside you. "What's the matter?" He asked. "It's midnight."

"Yes. So it is, but why-" he reached out to grab your arms but you leaned down. "Goodbye!" His blue eyes full of confusion watched as you began to run away from.

"Oh, no, wait!" He quickly got up from his seat on the wall and grabbed your hand, making you stop and turn around. "You can't go now! It's only-"

"Oh, I must! Please." You pulled on your hand, trying to move away, but he followed then reached out to grab your other hand. "But why?" You looked around, stammering to find the correct, no, an excuse to get away. "Oh, the Prince!" You looked back to him, meeting his blue eyes. "I haven't met the prince!" His eyebrows furrowed and he let go of your hands. ""The Prince"? He echoed. "But didn't you know that-"

The clock tower's usual ringing, at a new hour, cut him off. You grabbed some of your dress, stepping away from him. "Goodbye!"

"No, wait." He followed after you as you quickly walked away from him and towards the stairs. "Come back." You ran up the stairs, ignoring his please. You turned around to say something, but you don't have time. "Please come back!"

"I don't even know your name! How will I find you?" He ran over to the steps and watched as you disappeared into the palace. "Wait! Please, wait!" He quickly gave a small huff and ran up the stairs, shortly following after you.


You ran through the curtains, seeing the Duke you waved to him. "Goodbye!" He smiled and waved back, but the smile fell and he quickly stood up. "Young lady!" The curtains were thrown open again. "Wait!" He walked into the ballroom, but was immediately surrounded by other women.


You ran down the steps, ignoring the rising anxiety in your stomach, but stopped after feeling your bare foot hit the carpet. You turned around to see your slipped on the step. You quickly turned around to get it, but saw the Duke and hesitantly abandoned it. "Mademoiselle! Senorita!"

The Duke stopped seeing the (F/C) glass shoe on the ground and picked it up before shortly running after you.


You ran down the front steps of the castle seeing the pumpkin carriage there and quickly went inside of it.

"Stop that coach! Close the gates!"

The Duke panicked slightly seeing how the coach barely made it through the now closed gates. "Get that coach! Open the gates!"

Your heart thumped feeling the ride get more bumpy, you knew that the magic was wearing off, then suddenly, the carriage didn't exist anymore and you were in your torn up dress.

You heard loud footsteps and turned around, then you quickly ran into the forest, letting the men that were chasing you run over the old pumpkin.


"I'm sorry, I-.. I guess I forgot about everything. Even the time." You sighed happily. "But it was so wonderful. And he was so handsome, and when we danced..! I'm sure the prince himself couldn't have been more... More- oh well, it's over-"

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Look! The slipper!"

You looked down to your feet to see the older (F/C) glass shoe still on your foot. You carefully pulled it off and gently pressed it to your chest.

"Thank you.. thank you so much.. for everything."
Yeah, this is incredibly short and it sucks.
I was watching Cinderella and I really like this part of the movie, lol



Cinderella III is like, the only good Disney sequel. Pocahontas 2 sucks ass.

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