-+It's So Obvious+- Kacey x Reader

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This takes place in Phoenix Drop high season 2
Art belongs to: JettNight

You watched as Katelyn was picked up by her mother, and was shown what was in the large crib. "That's your baby brother, Katey." She said and Katelyn's eyebrows furrowed a bit as she was set down. "(N/N), let's go play!" She said, and grabbed your hand then began to drag you to her room.

"Momma and daddy are gonna have their attention on him.." Katelyn said as she picked up a doll on the floor. "Don't worry Katey, you'll have my attention." You squeaked slightly and Katelyn look at you, then gave a big grin. "THANKS (N/N)!" She said, then glopped you in a big hug.

-Five Years Later-

You sighed as you closed the door behind you. "If you think English is hard, wait until we get onto math." You told Katelyn, following behind her. "(N/N)!" You looked over and saw Katelyn's brother look at you with excitement​. "Hey pipsqueak." You smiled a bit and ruffled up his hair. "Me and Katelyn have to do homework, we'll play in a bit, okay?" He nodded quickly and grinned, then he ran off, most likely to his room.

You walked over to the table where Katelyn is sitting, and sat besides her. "You think he'll have a crush on you when he gets older?" You snorted a bit. "I doubt it." You said pulling your binder out. "I hate math.." Katelyn groaned and you chuckled a bit. "We're only in second grade, it gets harder Katelyn." You responded and she sighed, then banged her head on the table.

"But still.. I think Kacey has a little crush on you." You rolled your eyes a bit. "He's too young to know what a crush is." You said and she shrugged. "Whatever you saaay~"

Six years later-

"I cannot believe that Thomas asked you out!" Katelyn said closing the front door. "I can't believe you said YES." You rolled your eyes a bit. "It's not that big of a deal. We're only hanging out...together... All alone.. and he's popular.. the most popular guy in school... Okay.. it IS a big deal!" Katelyn laughed a bit and continued to ask a bunch check of questions. "Oh, hey Katelyn, h-hey (Y/N)." The both of you stopped talking and looked over to little 11 year old Kacey.

"Hey squeakers." Katelyn said and looked over back to you. "Hey Kacey." Katelyn tugged on your arm a bit. "C'mon, tell me! What did he exactly say when he asked you out?" Katelyn said and you looked around the room, avoiding eye contact. "Ya know.. that he wants to get to know me better, and that I'm pretty, and smart.."

"Wooooaaw." She laughed a bit. "Wha-what are you two talking about?" Kacey asked and Katelyn looked over to him with a confident look. "(Y/N) here has got herself a boyfriend!" You rolled your eyes. "Psh, please. We're just hanging out."

"You're going on a date,"

You sighed. "Sure." You said and Katelyn nudged you a bit. "You're going on a date...?" Kacey asked and you glanced over at him. You laughed a tiny bit and ruffled his hair, which normally makes him smile, but he kept the same sad look. "Not really, pipsqueak. We're just hanging out." You said and he perked up a tiny bit.

Katelyn dragged you to her room and closed the door behind you. "Katelyn, we shouldn't of left Kacey like that." Katelyn grabbed your shoulders and began to violently shake you. "HE. HAS. TO. LIKE. YOU!" She shouted. You pulled yourself away from her and fixed your messed up hair. "This again, Katelyn?" She nodded. "I just KNOW that Kacey has to have a crush on you. At least think about it!"

"Besides, I'm two years older than him, dating him would be a bit hard."

"I never said anything about dating him~"

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