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The clinging of silverware against the porcelain dishes came from the kitchen as we sat around the table with the guest of the social worker, Mrs Paxen.

Mrs Paxen took a sip of her room temperature water that she asked for and began to speak "Jhenea, how are you liking it at the high school?"Her proper accent evident as she spoke.

"It's eventful."I plaster a fake smile on my face hiding my expression of dislike towards her.

"Well thats nice, everything is nice."She smiled causing her red lipstick to come to my attention "This is by far the best meeting I have done with your case" Typical, how she refers to my troublesome life as a case. Just a set of numbers under a barcode and a logo of Child Protective Services.

I chuckle, I opened my mouth to let my dislike for her flow out but a stern glare came out of my uncle Calvin. As if he knew what I was going to say was going to jeopardize this whole meeting.

"Every thing is going well around here."My aunt April spoke instead. I bit my lip in prevention of letting my harsh words spew out of my mouth towards the blonde haired Mrs Paxen.

"Thats very good to know."She nods her head "Jhenea have you started planning for college?"She averted her eyes to me. The greatest asset Mrs Paxen carried were her icy blue orbs. With a pinch of hazel and green blended into them it seems as if your were out in the water just by staring at them.

I looked at her with a confused expression "I'm only sixteen."I clarified with her.

She gasps as if it were that shocking "Oh heavens, pardon me. I just haven't looked through your file in such a long time."She apologizes being her overly dramatic self as always. It's good to know that my life is just stuffed away into a file folder in someones filing cabinet.

I smile a faux smile "It's fine, I get that a lot."

Dinner wrapped up before Mrs Paxen did the overly done expection of the house. Checking in every closet, room and nook of the house we finally appeared back into the living room of the apartment. "Well, this family has definitely shown progression. From me looking at Jhenea I can tell she's happy."She smiled at me as I reflected her guesture.

"All is well and all stays well."Kashari added with a warm smile.


It's been four days since Mrs Paxen's visit so the functioning of the family went back to normal. Kashari, sneaking out the window of our room to her little boyfriend. Auntie April and uncle Calvin being in and out with work and I've been busy with school.

Walking through the busy halls I kept my head low with a hoodie over it. Today just didn't feel right to me, I didn't want to come to school and I damn sure didn't want to be on earth right now.

I looked down at the faded Toms that adjusted onto my feet nicely. I averted my eyes up every so often avoiding the trouble of bumping into someone. At this school, with these teenagers any little thing can turn into a huge dispute and into a fight. I avoid anything close to that as much as possible.

Finding my direction to my locker I turn the dial on the lock letting the clicking guide me to the next number. Inserting in the correct code my locker pops open. Pulling the door towards me extracting my AP Calculus text book and inserting my old Jansport book bag. I shut my locker shortly after. I clung my text book to my chest making my way to class.

Although the bell for transition to first period didn't even ring, I rather get to class early. Everyone here finds it insanely smart to push and shove their way to class rather than walk properly. I just will not tolorate it so I always get to class early.

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