October 1113

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"Violetta!" My mother shouts and I groan quietly and turn away from my friend, Rosanna, whom I was chatting to outside a shop.

"Yes?" I ask politely.

"There are some new people to town. Your father and I are going to go meet them. Do you want to come with us? Hello Rosanna, dear." She asks, before turning and greeting my friend.

"Of course, mother." I smile and bid Rosanna goodbye, telling her I might stop by tomorrow, before picking up my dress, and walking with my mother home.

"Let me fix your hair." She re-braids my hair behind my head, tying my hair expertly. "There you go. Your father's just arriving as well.."

I fix a few more pieces of hair in a small mirror and stand by the door, waiting for my parents.

"Hello Violetta, darling." My father kisses my forehead and we leave the house, heading for a small cabin near our home.

"Hello." A boy, not much older than me says, smiling at us as we arrive at the home.

"Hello." My father says, and they shake hands. "We heard you're new to the village." My father says in broken English.

"Yes we are. We're the Mikaelson's. Wonderful to meet you." Another man, also not much older than me, comes out of the house, speaking to my father. I translate what they say into Italian for my parents to understand it.

"I'm Niklaus." The first boy takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

"Violetta. Pleasure to meet you." I smile back.

"Pleasure is all mine." He smirks.

"I'm Elijah, and this is my sister Rebekah." A woman, their sister, as I've learnt, joins us.

"Wonderful to meet you all." My mom smiles, speaking in Italian, so I translate. "Where are your parents?"

"They died. A long time ago." Elijah says solemnly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I say on instinct. I was raised with such a heavy hand on manners. I then translate what they say to my parents.

"We've learnt to get over it, love." Niklaus says.

"We will be on our way then. Nice to meet you." My father says, and with that, he leads my mother and I away.

"Don't you forget about Harold, darling." My mom says as I look back at Niklaus.

"I won't." I mumble, and turn around. Harold is the man who taught me English. He's from England, he came to Italy with his mother and sister after his father died. Shortly after meeting, our mothers insisted that we marry, and we agreed, deciding it would be best if we married.

The next day comes and I meet Harold, the man I'm meant to marry, at his job.

"Hello." He smiles, walking out of the shoe shop.

"How's work?" I ask, handing him some bread with cheese. We're speaking in fluent Italian, even though both of us can speak English.

"It's alright." He smiles at me and we sit on a bench. "How's home?"

"Fine, my mother is pestering me to get on with the wedding details." I blush slightly.

"You should come to dinner with my parents tonight. They would love to see you again, and mother and Gem will be more than willing to help you plan the wedding." I like dinner with his family. He has a sister, Gem, or Gemma, who is wonderful to talk to, and his mother seems to like me more than she likes her son.

"I would, but there are new people to town, so my mother is having them over." I take a bite of an apple I took for myself. "I'll see if you can come, and fetch you straight from here when you are finished with work if my mother will allow it."

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