July 2016

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I've been kidnapped by The Armory and I wouldn't be surprised if I died here.

Scratch that, I know I'm going to die here.

They somehow found out that I'm a hybrid witch and vampire, and after I refused to practice magic for them, they sent me into this all white room and I've been in here ever since.

"I know there is someone out there." My voice is scratchy, all I've done since I got here is scream. "Can I just have some paper, envelopes and pens? If I'm going to die here I want to say my goodbyes." Nothing happens for a while and then the slot that they use to give me a paper cup half full of blood everyday opens and some computer paper, envelopes and a pen fall into my cell. "Thank you." I say. "Dicks." I mumble as I pick up the pieces of paper.

I sit on the floor and write with my back hunched over.

'To my friends in Mystic Falls.
Thanks for taking me in like one of your own in April when I had that small breakdown.
Dame, thanks for always being honest with me. Thanks for helping me through all the hard times I was having. I can never thank you enough.
Stefan, thanks for letting me take one of your diaries, I'm sorry I never got it published.
Caroline, you liked me even though my ex turned your boyfriend into a hybrid. I can never thank you enough for just liking me after that, even though I had nothing to do with it.
Alaric, you should've been my daddy when you had the chance. I'm a little upset that we never fucked, but at the same time, I didn't want Klaus to kill you.
If you couldn't already tell, this is my death letter. I've been kidnapped by The Armory and I'm going to be killed. I don't know when, but you definitely won't get this letter when I'm alive.
I love you all forever,
Violetta Santoro.'

'Elijah, Rebekah, Freya and Kol.
My siblings, my best friends, my mentors. By the time you read this I'll be dead. I don't want to sugar coat it, I just want to tell you the truth. I don't know how I'll die, but I hope like hell they don't make it hurt. I've been kidnapped by The Armory, the fuckers, and they're pretty much starving me, which is great, but they're also injecting me with vervain and lobelia flower, so that just makes it so much better.  Don't mourn my death. Celebrate it. Send me off with a parade through New Orleans, and party your asses off in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Yes, even you, Elijah. Oh, and Elijah try to get my books published. All of it is on my computer at home, Luke knows the password.
Freya, thank you for being the best mentor on the planet. I wish I could send this to you using magic, because you taught me that cool trick with the crumpled paper.
Kol, I expect you to kill at least 90% of the people in this place. I'll be upset if you don't. I'll haunt you.
Rebekah, I hope that you get the family you have always wanted. I truly wish you the best on your never ending mission to find someone to love forever.
Elijah, thank you for always being a shoulder to cry on, drunk or not. You're my best friend. Try not to go too crazy without me.
Your favorite sister forever,

You were my first love.
Thank you for that. You taught me English and how it feels to lose someone, even though you weren't actually dead. In the time that I found out you were alive we grew very close, and I'm happy that I got to see the new side of Harold E. Styles. Travel the world for me, buddy.
Love forever,

I can't hold my tears back any longer as I start to write Luke's letter.

This is the hardest one to write.
I love you, buddy. I really do. Never forget me. Ever. You're truly the best person on this planet, even if you're undead. I hope you find love and you live happily ever after. Every time you read this, and I know you'll do it one million times, at least, remember all the good times we had together. Remember when we met. When we dated. When I came back from Dublin and we dated again, and travelled the world with Calum and Mikey. Remember the look on my face whenever we saw a dog. Remember the look on my face when we got Tubberton Q. Pug (Tubs for short) and how mad Calum was when we got a Pug instead of a French Bulldog. I never want you to think of me when I was sad. Ever. Okay? Do that for me, Lucifer. I love you so much, you're my bestest buddy on the whole planet, dead or alive.

As I finish Niklaus' letter, they bring Luca in on a stretcher.

"Luca!" I shout, and hug my brother.

"Violetta." He sobs. "Thank god." He rocks us back and forth.

"What's happening, Lulu? What's going on out there?"

"We're going to die, Vi. Today."



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