April 2016

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Mystic Falls, Virginia.

"I want to meet these crazy siphons." I say to Damon.

"Well, they live in my house. You know where it is." Damon smiles.

"You won't come with?"

"They hate me. No thank you."

"I'll go with you." Stefan stands.

"Have fun!" Damon shouts as Elijah, Stefan and I all head towards the door.

"I'll have a blast!" I shout back, and flip him off.

"I like seeing this side of you." Elijah says. "The fun side. Not the sad side."

"I like being like this." I smile. "It's just when I'm with Klaus that I get full of that disgusting teenage angst." I roll my eyes.

"They're not here." Stefan says when we pull up to his old home. "They're probably at the grill. At least Julian will be. Too bad you couldn't meet mother Salvatore. She was queen Heretic. It's just her lover, Julian, Valerie, Mary Louise, Nora, Beau, and Malachi."

"Oh, well, I have a plan then. Take me to the grill, Stefan Salvatore."

I explain my plan on the way there, and there was only one flaw, if I die, there are going to be a lot of other heads rolling, because Niklaus is going to be so angry. I assure Elijah that I will be fine, and exit the car, fluffing my hair as I make my way to the door.

"What's up, bitches!" I scream, walking into the Mystic Grill. "I love what you've done to the place." I walk right past a crowd of men and to the bar, grabbing a bottle of wine, as a man, Julian, I assume storms up to me. "Can I help you?" I ask, after taking a mouthful. 

"Yes, what is your name, and why are you here?" He asks in a menacing way.

"I'm Violetta Santoro. And I'm just here for a good time. Wanted a drink after spending a night with the Salvatore brothers."

"I know you." One of the men push through the crowd. "Don't kill her. You'll have an Original here in a heartbeat if you kill her."

"That's right." Elijah walks in, fixing one of his cufflinks. "Hello boys." He smirks, and I smash the bottle over Julian's head and snap his neck while he's a bit disoriented, and none of the men dare to touch me as I pick up Julian with ease and take him out of the bar.

"How did you just-" Stefan asks as I shove Julian in the backseat next to me.

"Simple. Someone knew who I was, I smashed a wine bottle over his head. Now, how do we want to kill him?"

We get back to the Lockwood mansion and shock Damon with how simply we got him.

"I'm a very famous vampire. I don't even know how I have lived for this long." I smirk, and he kisses my forehead.

"It's because Niklaus would kill anyone who attempts to even make you cry." Elijah states, and I roll my eyes.

"Seems like he should be getting himself with that white oak pretty soon." Damon says, and Elijah nods.

"Dick." I punch him in the shoulder, apparently too hard, as he falls over. "Sorry. Forget that I'm 800 years older than you and ultimately way stronger." I smirk and he grimaces and dusts himself off.

"Well, I always carry a bit of Lobelia flower, incase a witch ever tries to mess with me." I open my purse and hold up the baggy. "Mix this with some vervain, and we can torture the fuck out of this guy." I smile.

"I like that idea." Damon smirks, and takes the flowers from me, putting it in a vervain syringe, and I haul Julian up again, bringing him to the basement and chaining him to a chair.

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