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We fled what felt like home for the second time, only we don't settle.


We never settle, Elijah weaves in and out of mine and Niklaus' lives. He boxed up Rebekah shortly after we left Chicago, and there was nothing I could do to change his mind about it. I learnt that in 1835.


We never settle, and we seem to always be arguing on where to go next or when he will undagger Rebekah. He's constantly manipulating my life and I can't take it. 


Niklaus and I never seem to not be arguing, and it's starting to get unbearable.

We divorce in 1965. We need time away from each other. Niklaus has too much going on in his life, and I can't handle his mountains of baggage any longer. I love him. I always have and always will, but we just need to get the fuck away from each other. We were together every single day for eight hundred and fifty one years. That's three hundred and ten thousand, six hundred and fifteen days. Four million one hundred and fifty five thousand and seventy hours. And I'm sure we will know each other for another eight hundred and fifty one years. When you've known someone for that long, you can't just get rid of them. They become a part of you, and I don't know who I will be without my Niklaus. He's my best friend and I'm forever indebted to him for treating me so wonderfully for so long. We will be friends forever, and who knows, we may even meet up and fall in love once more.

But for now? It's better off that we're apart. 

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