July 2016

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"No." Klaus growls when Elijah tells him the news. "She is not dead!" He screams.

"Yes, Niklaus. She is." Rebekah nods solemnly.

"I need to see her." He says, and storms towards the door. "Where is she?"

"She's in her bedroom in San Francisco. It's where Luke thought would be best to have her visitors see her."

"I'll be back in a few days." Niklaus says, and leaves the house.

When Niklaus arrives in San Francisco, he doesn't waste time with going anywhere but where Violetta is supposedly dead. There's swarms of vampires around, most of whom are of Niklaus' former sire line.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Luke says, and hugs Klaus.

"It's true, then."

"Sadly, yes." Luke nods, and Klaus walks past him and to Violetta's room.

She's laying there, on her bed, her skin grey and veiny. She's wearing a red gown, her hair is in a halo around her and she has all the jewelry that anybody important had given her. Three necklaces, two from Niklaus, one from Luca, half an arm of bracelets, from an array of friends, rings, her engagement and wedding ones, her two daylight rings, the ring Damon Salvatore gave her. Niklaus drops to his knees next to her as he realizes that she truly is gone.

"Why?" He whispers to himself, taking her hand as the tears flow down his cheeks. "I will avenge you, my love. I will kill whoever it was that killed you-"

"You won't." Luke says, entering the room. "She wrote you this." He holds up an envelope. "You won't be able to kill the person that killed her. Because they're already dead."


"No. I killed them myself. It was several members of The Armory. They took her hostage. She was with them for three days. She wrote letters, and prepared herself for her death. They injected her with an insane amount of vervain and Lobelia flower, and she never woke up. I went to break her out, and she was dead. I killed half of the staff, but made sure that I killed the ones that had done it to her."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because I called Elijah instead. He would be able to say what happened in person and not over the phone. He could have helped you maybe process an emotion before you came here and killed half the city."

"I won't kill anyone here. Violetta loved this place." Niklaus says, wiping a tear from his eye. "Does her brother know?"

"They killed him too." He says, a look of disgust on his face. "His son, Vincent, has nobody left on this planet. He's moving in with me, and I barely have a stable job to put him through college or whatever." Luke runs a hand through his hair, looking distressed.

"I can take him during the school year." Niklaus offers immediately. He knows how much Violetta loves--loved her nephew. How proud she was that there was another Santoro on the planet, even though she didn't know he was still alive. "My family has more money than we know what to do with."

"He's going to college next year."

"I want to meet him."

"He'll be here tomorrow with his father's body. There's going to be a formal burial tomorrow evening."

"I'll have my siblings join us then."

"Here." Luke hands me the letter that Violetta wrote me. "I'll leave you alone."

'Dearest Niklaus.
I can't believe I am writing this. I wish I wasn't injected with Lobelia flower and could use my magic so I could send you this letter, begging for your help to get me out of here before I die, but I suppose this will have to do. If you really wish to see if she can do anything, have Freya try a spell on me, but have her do it on Luca first. I don't care how much you need me. You had me for 800 years. Luca has a child. A child that watched his mother die. Niklaus I loved you until the moment of my death. You're forever my love and I can't believe I will never be able to utter those words to you again. I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson. I love you. Luca first. Please. I will love you forever. Don't forget that.
The epic love of your life,

There's a few drops on the paper, and he knows that Violetta was crying as she wrote this. More get added as Niklaus cries, reading her final words.

"What, Freya?" He snaps, answering his sister's phone call.

"I knew about Violetta's death. I was doing a spell all day to get her soul to go into a talisman. I have her and Luca in a pair of necklaces."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Niklaus roars. "My heart has just been broken fifty times over looking at her desiccated body!"

"Well, you stormed off before I could get in contact with you! I tried to send you notes when you were flying, but I don't doubt that you had a witch spell you so you couldn't be contacted or disrupted by magic. She's here with me. I just need hers and Luca's bodies and I can get them back. I hope."

"Well, don't get my hopes up too much, sister." He mumbles. "I'll get them to you as soon as possible." He hangs up, and walks to Luke. "Freya has their souls." Niklaus says to Luke who raises his eyebrows.


"She knew that The Armory was going to kill them. She was doing the spell for an entire day. She got Luca first, and Violetta second. Call the funeral off, and tell the kid, what' this name--Vincent? To reroute. Get him to New Orleans, I'll have Violetta shipped in a plane there as soon as possible."

"What about all the people outside?"

"Tell them to fuck off. They didn't know her anyway." He snarls and stalks back to Violetta's room, taking her hand and kissing it. "You'll be back tomorrow, my love."

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