April 2016

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Mystic Falls, Virginia.

I spend another three days in Mystic Falls, taking down the majority of "Julian's Army". I rip hearts out, cut off heads, and even bleed a few to death when I get bored and need something to keep me busy and my mind off what will happen when I inevitably go back to New Orleans. I've also run out of clothes, so Caroline has taken it upon herself to compel me a new wardrobe, and is having a field day with dressing me up. I don't mind though. Anything to keep me busy.

I even go on walks. Why the fuck I'm going on walks, I don't know. But I go on walks and I think about what my book characters could do, and what plot twists I can use.

"What?" I gasp, looking across the street. "Mama." I breathe out, and sprint to her. "Mama." I cry, hugging her.

"My darling Violetta." My mother says in Italian, stroking my hair. "You have been alive for so long. For so many years. Centuries. Your father and I have been watching you the whole time."

"How are you-" I'm speaking in Italian, and I shake my head, unsure on how she's here. Sure that this is a dream.

"Your father got a foothold here, and he revived us. He's here as well. We'll be alive for a two months, four, at most."

"Where is he?" I cry.

"Right here, Rose." He hugs me, and I sob hugging him.

"Papa." I sob and hold him tight. "You're- how- I can't believe this." I cry.

"I can't believe it either, Rose." He hugs me tightly.

"Let's go to New Orleans." My mother suggests, out of nowhere and I look down at her clothes. Not to crush her dream, but she's dressed like a frumpy grandma from a corny movie.

"Let me get you two some clothing first." I suggest. "Can't have you looking like this. People will think you're crazy." I smirk.

"We're witches from a thousand years ago. Of course people will think we're crazy."

"Wait. I thought only you were a witch." I point to my father. "If I'm full witch and a vampire, that means that-"

"You're a hybrid, love. You never did magic because we never got the time to train you. We'll do that with the help of Freya when we get to New Orleans."

"You know Freya?"

"Yes," My father nods. "We knew her when she was younger. Before you and Luca were born."

"Luca! You know he's-"

"Right here." Luca smiles, and my eyes widen as he walks over to us, and I hug him.

"We're hybrids. Witchy vampire hybrids." I smile.

"I heard." He smiles.

"Where's the kid?" I look around for my nephew.

"He's got school. Had to stay home with my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!" I scream. "I'm going to have to meet her!"

"Of course." He says, and hugs our parents. "I never thought I'd see you again." He says to our parents, speaking fluent Italian, hugging them.

We're in Mystic Falls, all of us, so of course it would happen here. A family reunion.

"Vio-" I hear Elijah start, but he stops when he sees who I'm with. "Your family." He smiles.

"Elijah!" My mother screams, and runs to him. "Thank you for taking care of my baby girl. You always did. You and Niklaus."

"How are they-"

"They're witches." I explain shortly and he nods.

"So you're-"

Centuries // [klaus mikaelson]Where stories live. Discover now