Bonus Chapter

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bc i wrote this and don't know where to put it
this one is for all u supernatural fans out there! some violettaxsamanddean shit!

A shiny black '67 Chevy Impala pulled up in front of the house, it's engine loud before stopping.

"Are you sure about this?" I hear one guy say.

"It's worth a shot." Another says, and the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I scream loud enough for everyone to hear before sprinting to the front door. "Hel-" I'm splashed in the face with water. "Why the fuck?!"

"Sorry about him. I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. We're looking for Violetta."

"That's me." I nod, my eyebrows furrowed as I wipe my face.

"Wait, you're the old witch we've been sent to find?"

"I might be old, but I look good. I'm a hybrid. Vampire witch." Dean gets a look in his eye. "What are you dealing with ugly nest vamps? Only out at night, ugly as all hell?" They nod. "No no, see, I'm, well, me and my family, we could be considered a nest. There is five of us, I'm technically an beast, so I can't die, but they're the Original Family. They're the first vampires ever. There is a string of weirdo vamps from each sire-line. We typically look like normal people. You clearly have been dealing with the weirdo string. Now that we cleared that up, what can I do for you?"

"How good are you at translating ancient languages?" Sam asks, holding up an old ass grimoire looking book.

A few hours later I'm in the living room with these brothers, the Winchesters--Sam with the long beautiful hair and Dean with the beautiful eyes-- Elijah and Nik. We're all reading some weird book that they can't decode.

"It's ancient. But I can read it." Nik says, placing the book on the table.

"That's great!" Dean claps. "Can we get whisky to celebrate?"

"I said I can read it, not that I would."

"Nik." I glare at my husband. "C'mon."

"I want to know some information from you two first."

"We'll tell you anything." Sam says.

"Why is the mark of bloody Cain on his arm?" Nik asks, his smile growing larger.

"Because I did some bad shit." Dean says, and I laugh.

"Preaching to the crowd here, brother."

"How did you find out about us?" Nik asks and I lean my head in my hand.

"King of Hell." A small smile plays on my lips. I think I know who that is.

"Is that run by a man named Mikael?" Niklaus asks, and I hold back a laugh. Good one, baby.

"No, Crowley." Sam says and I nod.

"Scottish guy?" I ask and Nik's head snaps to me. "What, I met him in the 80's! It was pre-witch and we weren't together!"

"Wait, you two are dating?" Dean asks and I laugh.

"We were married since 1314 We took a quick break from the sixties to the beginning of last year." I smile and Sam's eyes widen.

"So you're, like, super married." Dean says, his eyebrows raised, a tone of surprise in is voice.

"Super married times ten, is the better statement." Elijah speaks for the first time since introducing himself.

"So why did Crowley send you to us? I'm sure there are better people to go to."

"He did it on a whim. He didn't know if you still had a connection to the O-F. Whatever that is."

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