The beginning of "GAYNESS"

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This is not the story, just a short storyline of my life, okay? So basically based on a true story.

My mom always told me, "It's abomination". Any conversation that involved lesbianism or gayness, she reminded me that it is an abomination. I would always become fearful of the idea. Her always telling me that hell is a place for bad-evil people. But how can you/I be evil for loving someone? How can I be evil by being me? I will never question God, especially coming from a religious family such as mine. But I always thought, how is it that this sin is the biggest of them all?

I think I knew I was into girls since preschool. My friend Jasmine, at least I think that was her name, I'm just going to call her that (I think I have her on Facebook! She's trans now!! Thats if that's truly her, this was Preschool guys! I'm 18 now.) Well back to the story, we were in preschool and it was that annoying hour of nap time. I got removed from my sleeping bag because a kid was talking about his family problems, I think, or maybe I couldn't shut up. I had time out in the classroom library, my friend 'Jasmine' did too. I was lying down clueless about the existence of kissing a girl-better yet dating one, until that day. I peeked behind the bookshelf and saw my friend making out with another girl. I didn't know any better. I thought they were playing house, where my friend played the father and the other girl played the mother, but nope! My friend came straight out and announced the girl as her girlfriend. I was weirded out, yet amazed. That's exactly when I knew.

I did know, but I didn't know know. I didn't know what to do with the feelings. You know that thing that parents say, "they're just experiencing". That's what I thought. So as a kid I avoided it, I started to date boy's.

I think this year I finally opened my eyes. It took me awhile to realize todays world and the thinking behind LGTB LOVE.

I actually had my first real boyfriend at the age of 12, at least that's what I thought. Another story for another tale, right eh?

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