30-Jax is back

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1 year and 4 months later


My mom was having an anniversary ceremony this weekend for my dad so I had to fly back to Denver. I haven't been back since last summer. I thought I'll take a break from there.

AJ wanted me to come because he's turning 18 and wants to "celebrate" so I'm bringing Jest. We're back bros now. Made up with him a few months after being back in Cali. Plus he really likes my family, for some odd reasoning.

I enter the home and become greeted by AJ and Andrew.

"Shit, do you guys grow a foot each time I come back?" I murmur out and they chuckle.

"I guess we do," Andrew smirks and hugs me. Aj daps me up.

"Good to see you're good little sis," a soft random voice calls. I glance behind Jest only to see my big sister Jax standing behind him. He steps aside and I get the full view. She looks different, she looks happier and beautiful.

"Mommy," a small kid calls repeatedly. He's adorable and he stumbles as he tries to clutch on to, I'm guessing, his mothers leg.

"Hey Christopher, look at your aunt," she calls down to the little boy. So many emotions and happy vibes rush through me.

"You named him Christopher?" I smile goofily and she nods. I rush towards her and embrace her. She giggles at how tight I clutch her. I pull away and bend down to pick up the adorable gremlin. He stares at me weirdly. His chubby cheeks and drool filled mouth.

"Hey there, I'm aunt Cher, you must be Christopher," I tease in that baby talking way. He soon smiles, revealing the two grin growing teeth.

"And I'm uncle Just, can you say that, uncle Just." Just interrupts as he makes silly faces at the kid. He chuckles and turns toward Jax.

"I'm Jest, Cher's best friend," he extends his hand and she shakes it while raising an eyebrow at me. He points to me and gives me an "okay" hand movement. I guess he's saying my sister is hot, and not to be weird, she kinda is. She's change a lot. Her hair isn't blonde anymore, it's light brown with blue streaks and shoulder length. Her thick well drawn eyebrows and skinner face. She was chubby before I left. She's was going through some things, and we stayed arguing, we weren't always the best of siblings.

"Hey, your aunt kissed me too close to the mouth," a guy says as he enters terrified. He does indeed have my aunt Grace devil red lipstick on the corner of his mouth. He wipes at it and Jax giggles as she comes to his side and rub the lipstick from the corner of his mouth and plants a kiss there.

"Yeah, sorry about that," she chuckles and turns to me.

"Cher, this is Alan, Alan this is my little sister Cher," he raise a sharp eyebrow and smiles.

"The Cher huh?" He chuckles and extends his hand. I shake it and look over the guy. He looks harmless and nice, kinda nerdy but Jax always had it out for those types of men.

"I am, and you must be the,"

"Husband and also the kids dad," he points down at the gremlin and soon bends down to pick him up. I smile at the adorable face of Christopher.

"Nice to finally meet you." I mention even though I had no clue Jax was married and had a kid. It's all so shocking but them again not. Jax just finally has her head screwed on straight and I am proud. The excitement and admiration seeps through me.

"Same here, same here!" He says and turns to Jest who introduces himself and greets the man.

"We have to do some catching up, have some sister sister time, but Moms out back with everyone else," Jax says and motions for Just and I to follow.

"Are we on for 2k later?" Andrew ask Just and he chuckles.

"Yeah, I've been waiting to beat your ass again all year!" Just fires back as he punches Andrew in the shoulder and they began wrestling.

"Children," Aj mutters out and I turn to him impressed.

"What, you're turning 18 in a couple of weeks and think you're grown huh?" I tease and he grins brightly.

"Cher, how nice to see you!" My Aunt Grace says. I can tell she's tipsy because I smell the liquor all over her and see the half empty glass of gin in her cup. She started her weekend early, but who am I kidding, she always starts her weekend early.

My mom spots me and smiles. I raise the glass of wine I picked up from the catering table at her and she grins and does the same as she continues talking with my dads mom. She doesn't speak to me much, calls me an abomination, so I keep my distance. My little cousins run around the catering table trying to put cupcake frosting on one another. A few of my moms friends dance on the dance area to the soft Sinatra music playing.

As people walk pass me they greet me in astonishment, I guess happy to see me here. I glance up to see Jax and her husband dancing happily to the music. He spins her and she burst into fits of laughter. Andrew plays with Christopher, the kid is laughing his butt off as Andrew blows raspberries into his cheeks.

"Great to see you again," someone whispers beside me. I turn abruptly only to see a beautiful Jamie. I raise my eyebrows astonished. What is she doing here?

"Can you be here?" I chuckle nervously as I bring her into a tight hug. She nods with a bright big smile.

"I've been here for 2 weeks now, I think I can?" I stare at her. She still looks stressed and fearful. She lost the baby, sadly. Doctor said she was so stressed and torn that it lead to her miscarriage. She cried a lot, I talked to her a lot. We've even grown closer on a friendship level.

She fixes a fallen strand of hair of mine.

"Have you seen or heard from him recently?" She nods.

"When I went to go visit my mom, he found out I was there, my mom had to call the cops to escort him off her property. I haven't heard from him since," she clears her throat and her hands begin to shake. I take them.

"I swear, if he comes near you, I'll rip his spine through his mouth. He won't hurt you again Jamie, I promise." I pull her into a hug. She snuggles into my chest. I place a quick peck into her forehead and continue our embracing.

"Jest was looking for you by the way." She muffles out. I nod and pull away. Glancing around at the familiar faces. My eyes lock with Jest who eyes widen and point towards the opposite side of the garden. Through the various children and grown ups blocking the site, I spot Charley. My breath hitches and gets caught in my throat. I'm at lost for words and thoughts. She looks beautiful, as I would always remember. Her thick curly hair pinned into a bun. Her golden brown skin glowing and causing a halo to appear high around her. My eyes slowly scan her body, landing on her belly. I choke on my water and began to cough drastically. My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

Jamie pats my back with a worried expression on her face. She follows my gaze once she realizes I'm not choking to death. The worried expression falls from her face and now it's just an "oops" one.

Charley's pregnant?

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