24-Don't be stupid

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1 day later

"I thought you were mad at me?" Mike calls as he opens his grandmothers squeaky door. I haven't been here in awhile but everything is still the same.

The lawn scattered with multiple toys out front. His older sister has like 6 kids running around so that explains the bikes and balls scattered across the lawn. Reminds me of good old times when we use to stop at Mikes and bother him and chill with him, it was perfect.

"Whose at the door Mikey?" Ms.Augus calls and he calls over his shoulder, "old friend grandma" and steps out the door.

"Hi Ms.Augus!" I call and Mike turns to stare at me annoyed. I guess because I yelled loudly in his ear but I needed her to hear me since she is old.

"Oh hello," she calls and Mikey shuts the door and stares at me with his arms folded.

"I'm still pissed about you keeping that away from me but I need you for now and have to put that aside," I state seriously and he stares at me worriedly.

"Okay, what do we need to do?" He questions as he tucks his hands into his pocket and let's his shaggy hair fall into his eyes.

"Follow me," I motion as we make our way to my car. He calls something to his grandma and jogs toward my car.

"You remember Jamie?" He turns to me and think.

"Your girlfriend from like the third grade or something?" He questions and I stare at him for a bit. Is he serious right now?

"No, she was my girlfriend when I was 16," I grunt out and he says "oh".

"Yeah, So what about?" He shrugs.

"Her husband abuses her and she came to my girlfriends house with—"

"Why can't you just say Charley?" He questions cutting me off. I'm literally in the middle of telling him my plan and the back story behind it and he cuts me off.

"I like saying girlfriend Mike, is that so much of a fucking problem," I growl out and he shakes his head no.

"No problem, she just has you wrapped around her finger so early," he mumbles out lowly.

"Do you want to know what's going on?" I urge.

"Okay, what?" He groans out.

"He's been abusing her for years now. I just found out and she's married to this son of a bitch with his child on the way. He's still abusing her while she is pregnant, so now we're on our way to kick his ass," I wrap it all up as I try to focus on the road.

"You know I got sent away last time for kicking someone's ass right?" He questions and I turn to him confusingly.

"You're a grown man idiot, I don't think your dad can ship you off to boarding school or wherever," I grunt out and he shakes his head.

"You're right, I am an adult and I can get adult charges and sent to jail for assault, which I can't do because I just found out my nana is very sick and needs me here," he explains.

"Then we're not going to kick his ass, we'll just talk some sense into him," I sigh and I can tell Mike eyes still linger on me.

"Knowing you Cher, you can't just talk to people. You act before you think, and if she holds this much love in your heart, you're bound to do something stupid," he reasons frustratedly.

"I'm not going to do anything stupid Mike, fuck! Just stand by me dude, you did when we were younger, now why is this so hard now!?"

"Because we're grown now, so we think! We're not running around this town causing havoc anymore. Just think, would Jamie want you showing up to her husband, or whatever he is, trying to threaten or beat his ass?"

"Yes, she would because it means he won't come near her anymore or try to hurt her!"

"I think she can handle herself. You can't be everyone's super hero Cher."

"I know I can't be but I will try to do what's right, it's either you're coming or I drop you off here," I groan out and he shrugs and stares out the window.

"Just don't do anything stupid," he groans out and I continue my driving.

We stand in front of the small suburban home. With the perfectly cut grass and white picket fence, well it's not white nor a fence but I'm exaggerating. Mike knocks on Jamie's home door twice, no one comes to answer, so I bang another time. Mike looks at me annoyedly and I give him that "what?" Look.

The door opens revealing Troy in a man beater, how ironic. He glances at Mike first then at me with a quizzical look.

"Cheri right? Jamie's not here," he bluntly says and I eye him with hate. He's a cocky son of a bitch isn't he. He leans against the doorframe of the door with his arm supporting the lean. He's tall, 6'2 maybe with a fit frame.

"It's Cher and I came to say don't come looking for Jamie, she's fine and better and doesn't need you causing anymore trouble than you already have!" I simply state.

"You mean she's with you?" He questions looking over my shoulder. Then back at me with a grimacing look.

"No she isn't, but what you did was very pathetic of you," I simply spit.

"What's your purpose of standing on my doorstep?" He questions with an amused smirk as he folds his arms across his chest. Oh, so it's funny to him?

"You beat the living shit out of a woman, your wife, who's pregnant with your fucking child," I spit angrily and he still stands there with that smirk.

"That's what she told you?" He questions as he brings his hand to scratch at the brim of his nose cockily.

"I saw her face!" I state.

"We saw her face!" Mike clarify roughly. I showed Mike the pictures Charley took and sent to me. For evidence that she was indeed beaten and hit by this son of a bitch.

"Oh you speak, I thought you were her sidekick that gets told when to speak," he chuckles coldly. Mike stares for a bit, his jaw clenched and fist balled as he stares this monster in his eyes.

He moves pretty quickly. He latched on to Troys shoulders and pulled him out the door and punched him in the face. Troy let's out an "oof" and stumbles back while turning my way and groaning in pain. I kick him, bringing my feet across his face. He falls down and I get on top of him and began to pound his face in, constantly bringing my fist in contact with it until his nose burst with blood and eye spilts open. I pound and pound and pound until I feel Mike pull at me.

I shrug his hand off of me and continue to punch him. I feel me being lifted and moved.

"Cher! Cher it's enough, that jerk had enough!" He yells as I kick and spit at him. I shove Mike off and bring myself together.

"Come near or touch Jamie again, I'll fucking kill you, you fucking bastard," I threaten and race towards my car with Mike trailing me.

"Dude you lost it, like did you black out?" He questions horrified as I feel his eyes burn into the side of my face. I squeeze at the steering wheel and watch my scratched, swollen and bloody knuckles turn red. I can only imagine that's how he was when he found out Leo was molesting Justina. That rage running through your veins, ready to kill anything. I felt that, it feels awful after, but at the moment you can become deadly.

"And you told me not to do anything stupid, who threw the first punch dude?" I chuckle as I glance over at him with a huge grin.

"Who couldn't stop, I swear I wonder what goes through your mind. That was beastly the way you kept punching him dude!" He stares wide eyed.

"He deserved it," I shrug.

"Yeah, he did," Mike mumbles and leans back in his seat and just stares.

4 beers, 8 shots, and 2 joint breaks later...

I lean against the bar as I take a swig from my beer. The bar isn't all that empty. Mike and I stopped to get a few drinks because after that ass whooping I handed that asshole, I was exhausted and needed to cool down. Mike sits beside me in a stool downing his 4th beer.

"Are you fucking serious!" Charley appears angrily approaching me. What I do now.

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