17-Behind Closed Doors

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Jamie's P.O.V

"Why is there a big deal about her being back," Troy questions annoyedly as he takes his tie from around his neck roughly. I don't necessarily stare at him, rather ignore eye contact.

"Because she's been gone for 6 years or so," I inform him. I take off my aching shoes and place them with the others in the walk in closet.

"Yeah, well there's too much hype about it. If she caused this town so much misery years ago, why would anyone care about her return?" He grunts out as he stands to walk his dirty shirt to his laundry basket. Sounds envious, if I must say. The topic around town has been "Cher has returned". Also the mentioning of her mother not informing her that her dad passed away.

"That was years ago though, shes older now," I explain hesitantly as I try to be careful with my words.

"Still say it's unnecessary," he shrugs.

"Yeah, well that is your opinion, you didn't know her very well."

"Why are you defending her so much?" He questions while turning to me curiously and raising an eyebrow. My mouth shuts instantly and I freeze in my tracks.

You've should've been careful with your words, you've gotten him started.

"I- -"

"Don't answer that," he says shushing me. He walks over to me and I tense up. Every step he takes the more pain and regret resurfaces, as if I'm so numb to what's about to happen. I know I can't run now. My palms sweat and I wish I could disappear like all those other times. When he does that walk, it's almost as I'm shrinking and he's increasing. Like a building hovering over me, a tiny nameless pedestrian.

"You two were best friends right?" He questions, his tone unpredictable, I don't know if he's upset or if he's sparking up conversation, but to answer his question, I nod. He brings his hands to my shoulder and rubs there. His fingers slide under my spaghetti tank top strap and slowly pulls it down. His touch sickens me majority of the time. I hate when we're out in public and I have to hug, kiss or touch him. The fake smiling and laughing. Having to announce him as my husband makes me want to puke.

"I-I'm really sleepy Troy," I state quickly but he shushes me with the shake of his finger.

"I heard a lot about you two you know," he continues as I shutter in his presence. Please don't, I hope tonight's his night where he leaves me alone.

"Not much detailing, but—," he slowly pulls up my shirt, he pulls it over my head and tosses it. He then soon unclasp my bra and holds it in his hand. His eyes stare deceivingly at me . He grasp my left breast roughly and squeezes it tightly, causing me to cry out in pain.

"You know this town, has stories for days, and I find it quite humorous on how stupid you play me to be," and as he lets the last words fall from his mouth a slap goes to my face and it knocks me down, my hands instantly breaking my face from hitting the floor. I curl into a ball quickly because I'm afraid of what will happen next. Maybe he'll kick me unconscious like last time.

"You defend her like she's attached to you, remember I'm the only one that loves you Jamie, I care for you!" He yells annoyedly as he crotches down and he pulls at my hair to make me face him.

"I don't want you around her, we're calling off dinner with the Manson's from now on, tonight was the last one. We'll say you have baby sickness often, eh?" He demands and I nod slowly. Tears slowly streaming down my face. My mind repeating "why" a million times. Over and over and over again is the question erupting.

"Good to know we're on the same page now undress and freshen up and meet me in our bed, I need pleasure tonight," he says as he places a kiss to my forehead and releases my hair.

I slowly rise from the ground and head towards the bathroom. I run the water as usual and cry my eyes out.

"Why?" I whisper to myself as I see the small gash from the slap. His wedding band must have made it.

I grab the first aid kit to do the regularly routined fix.

I've been with Troy for 4 years, I've been married to him for three. The first couple of months started off well. I met him at a party and we hit it off. I found out his friend was dating Charley and we started double dating. He didn't too much like Charley, said it was something "wrong" with her.

I didn't think much of it, but then it got worse. He started telling me what not to wear, who not to be friends with, when and when I shouldn't wear makeup. Two years into the relationship is when he begin to verbally abuse me. Whenever I wore something tight, he would call me a "whore" or mention that it's "unladylike". 2 years and 3 months he began to physically abuse me and I learned when their was liquor involve it, the hits and trauma was 10x worse.

So far I had 7 broken ribs, 1 broken finger, a sprained ankle, from him shoving me down the stairs, countless black eyes and 5 busted lips. He always tries to avoid the face but he can't, his anger gets the best of him and he lashes out throwing punches in whatever direction.

I've learned to adapt, I tried to break away but every time he pleads and says, " I'll change" I believe him. I was once madly in love with him, now I see him as the devil and I'm his spawn. Wrapped around his finger and scared to leave. I know what he's capable of, but either way I need to seek help because I can end up dead or traumatized for the rest of my life.

There's loud banging on the door which makes me jump in fear.

"Hurry the fuck up!" He yells. I want to scream loudly. Why can't I just get away.

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