10-Because I'm Black?

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"I don't know, because I'm black?" She shrugs. I just chuckle. She actually has a little bit of something in her genes, but shes African American.

"I don't think that's a appropriate way to put it," I chuckle, she sighs annoyed. Knowing Charley she probably does have that mindset. When we were little she would think the kids didn't want to eat with her because the color of her skin, but in reality she was just a sloppy eater. I was the only one who could stand to be around her when it came to lunch time. Also Jamie, but she was never around much.

"It's true Cher! My grades were so good, my test scores were outstanding, not to toot my own horn, but I could have gotten into Harvard." She sighs. I just rub her arm gently. It sucks knowing how the world works. How bitter and cruel society is and the fucking asses behind everything.

"I know you're smart, you've always been smart! I know this!" I soothe as she pouts sadly.

"Just not smart in making decisions huh?" She pouts and clutches a pillow.

"Everyone makes mistakes-and I mean everyone! You're a smart, very attractive, maybe with a nice rack, young woman and that's coming from an asshole, so value it." She chuckles and nods. I don't really know what I meant by that. Value it? She cuddles into the pillow and soon start to drift off into sleep, well that's what I thought.

"Cher, you have no idea how much I missed you," she whispers softly. She soon begins to cry lowly like a baby kitten.

"Hey hey hey, forget Autumn! She didn't deserve you anyways! You deserve someone better! Fuck her!" I shout. I suck at speeches, advice and comforting. I feel so bad that I can't actually say something to cheer her up.

"I'm not crying because of Autumn anymore, well maybe a little, but because you haven't changed and Ive missed it," she smiles warmly at me. I kinda blush because she and my brothers are the only people happy I returned. Jax doesn't live in Denver anymore, obviously. She lives in Florida. That's all I got out of my mom. She didn't mention much because she apparently, likes keeping fucking secrets.

"I miss you too chubby Charles," she erupts into laughter and buries her face into the pillow she's clutching. She looks back at me and narrows her eyes.

"Not that shitty name, you know I hated that name," she defends embarrassingly. It's true, she hated that name with a passion. The name that started it all.

"Oh it was an adorable name, with your fat chubby cheeks and two puffy nappy ponytails. You hated getting your hair combed and having moisture added to it. Always use to say, "the only thing I need in my hair...."

"Is water!" She finishes with a chuckle. She reminisces her childhood and I do the same.

"I hated that you had these gorgeous golden locks, yet kept it in that hideous bun and then when you turned 15 you cut it and dyed it pink and purple to make a statement! I was so mad at you that I could kick your ass!" I burst out into laughter. She was indeed mad at me. But she came around to my colorful hair, plus it wasn't a statement, it was a dare from Benton (chubby fat asshole who always challenged me and how far I would go). I grew my hair back and died it hazel, but now I just get it cut just above my chin leaving it curly or in a bun.

"It was my hair! That hair made me look like fucking Goldielocks or some bullshit, it just didn't fit me." I explain. She glances at my hazel curly hair.

"Made you look like a queer little boy, especially the flat chest thing," I break out into chuckles. That was actually funny. I didn't and still don't have anything there and it has not been so sad for me. Now her, whoa her rack is huge. She sees me staring at her chest and shoves my shoulder playfully. I chuckle and
bring my eyes to stare at hers.

"Charley !" A loud bang occurs on the bedroom door making Charley jump. I throw her a glance and without stating a word she ask can I get it. I nod and rise. She picks her head off my shoulder and I walk over to open the door. It reveals a tall slender guy. He stares at me confused...

"Uh Charley, whose the stud-muffin?" His voice creaks peaking at Charley through the little space left between the door. She chuckles at his sense of humor. My eyes scan his bright enthusiastic glow. Oh this is the gay best friend.

"You must be Johnny, the gay?" I imply. A smile broadens is face, revealing deep dimples. He wears a colorful Hawaiian button down shirt, revealing his scrawny tan chest. He has on tight skinny black denim jeans with nice all black boots.

"And you must be Cher, the lesbian?" He quirks an eyebrow and enters the room pushing pass me. I nod and follow behind him. He soothes Charley as she hugs him tightly resting her head onto his shoulder. She lets out a quiet sob and he frowns.

"I told you we could stab her then bury her deep into the woods next to Matlers farm. You know people are scared to even be a mile near that place," he implies ruffling her puffy ponytail. She frowns and leans away from his shoulder soon breaking out into a smile.

"I like that idea," she breaks out into a smile so hard she could crush her teeth if possible. Her eyes widen like a psychopath and she grins up at Johnny.

"No, not quite," I butt in not really loving the fact of killing someone. Killing someone takes a lot of fucking effort which is something I will not waste. I'm too lazy for that bullshit.

"Oh come on! This is the Cher you talked constantly about, with the fearless courageous mindset, and the LET'S BLOW SOME SHIT UP! Motives," Johnny cheers. I smile at him then at Charley. Nice knowing she constantly talked about me and told everyone about my personality, a personality I think she made a tad bit too great.

"That was old me, now I'm the "let's be rational and fucking straighten things out", so no Charley, we will not kill Autumn. I'll kick her ass if you want, but kill is not on the radar." Charley frowns then looks at me bright eyed-like she has an idea, but that smile is soon wiped away.

"Nah, she's much taller and stronger and could beat your ass. I don't want to do that to you." She smiles and sticks out her tongue, I chuckle along with her and the guy just smiles.

"We can hire someone to kick her ass or scare the shit out of her! Oh, we can hire someone to catfish her and then when she falls so hard, we can come out of no-fucking-where with cameras and shit, like that dumb show where they catch people cheating, and she all embarrassed and shocked like "what the fuck?" And you..." Johnny rants as Charley and I laugh at his reactions and frantic outcomes of Auttie's reaction.

"Johnny, the show is called cheaters, and I like your idea, but I'm broken not crazy. Plus that's too much work, catfishing someone?" She mopes miserably. I chuckle at her previous statement.

"Says the person who just tried to plan a kill mission," I chuckle and shove her playfully and they both laugh.

"It wasn't me! It was Johnny!" She giggles falling into Johnny's chest. Her laughter dies down when there's constant knocking and the yelling of her name from a drunken.

"Charleeeey! I'm sorry! I fucked upp okay! I love you!" Autumn yells.

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