32-You Lied To Me

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I didn't even know what to think, my mind is racing. I run up Charley's steps. I have to get her back. After what Mike told me, I have to. She still lives in her same apartment building, which is good because I don't think anyone would have given me her address.

I knock while pacing. I don't know if I am angry or if I'm proud she doesn't actually have a boyfriend/baby father.

She answers. Her hair is tied in a messy bun and oversized pajamas. She holds a tub of ice cream and stares at me unsatisfied.

"You're not the pizza guy," she mutters out sarcastically and frowns. She's beautiful, that pout and those lips are breathtaking. She catches me staring and quickly wipes at her mouth. I guess she just thought she had ice cream there. She raises an eyebrow. Oh, she's waiting for me to speak. I almost forgot my purpose in coming here.

"You lied to me," I finally speak. She raises her eyebrow again, this time confused and a little bit of anger. I point towards her belly. She looks down and looks back up at me.

"There's no Dylan Charley, you're a surrogate mother." I yell. I guess I realized I was more angry than excited, because why would she lie to me? I was so upset because I thought she moved on, I thought she was happy and moved on.

"Why are you here? On my doorstep? To tell me I lied about who my child father is?" She questions angrily. Her nose flared and disappointment smeared on her face.

"I've been depressed for 4 and a half days, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I didn't have the motivation to get out of bed because I thought I truly lost you, I thought you were happy with someone else and you were on the verge of getting married and having this big happy family. My heart was torn to pieces. I went into the bathroom to fucking cry Charley when you told me you were pregnant by some asshole and turns out, he doesn't exist!" She sits the tub of ice cream down and steps forward...she takes a pause, I didn't know what she was doing until I feel the sudden sting and blood rush throughout my nose. She punched  me right in the nose. Like seriously dead in the nose.

"Owh, what the fuck is wrong with you Charley!" I yell out as blood drips down my lip.

"You honestly deserved that. I can't feel pitty for you. You want me care about you being depressed for 4 fucking days? Try months, try years. It took me an entire year to get over you—"

"You're over me?" I state as I wipe the blood onto my hoodie, she got me pretty good. She eyes me, her eyes glistening with tears. She doesn't want to cry. I know she isn't because she has changed. She sniffles and wipe at her eyes. Not a tear ran down her cheek but the ones in her eyes. She's quiet, we stand there staring at one another. It's nothing but silence.

"You're over me?" I repeat. My heart is aching, it feels like my rib cage is slowly crushing. My palms sweat and my insides just hurts a lot. Never knew this was possible, to physically ache. I hadnt felt this way about Jamie. I was just disappointed and sad but this situation with Charley is hurting me.

"I-you—I don't know. I was, I swear I was before you showed up here."

"So you're not?" I state with an ounce of hope, but she can barely look at me.

"Why do you care Cher!?" She grunts out and folds her arms.

"What do you mean?"

"If you didn't see me at your moms anniversary, would you have even cared? Bothered to show up on my doorstep? Would you even care?"

"Charley I—" I try to reason and actually think about that question. Would I? My intentions on returning was to amend, move on and get over what has caused me pain for years, my hate towards my family, especially my mother. I wanted to do things differently than before. Upon my first visit back home. Seeing Charley pregnant was just a slight eye opener. It made me realize my mistakes. One of them, loosing her.

"No, because you don't fucking care, that's your problem Cher."

"What do you mean do I care? Of course I do, why do you think I rushed over here to you?" She shakes her head furiously.

"But you didn't though, you raced over here to tell me you caught me in a lie."

"No not really, I came here to tell you I love you."

"Cher I—ouch," she says as she clutches her stomach. Her legs bend almost as if she's in crucial pain. I come to her side to aide her. I step inside and close the door and walk her to her sofa. I see her place is well decorated and nice.

"I'm fine Cher, you can—ouch!" She calls out and squeeze my arm. That seriously hurts, worse than that punch she delivered.

"Are you okay? What's happing?" I panic.

"Nothing, this always happens, just leave me be!" She yells out and it kinda frightens me at her tone.

"No, I'm taking you to the hospital!" I grunt out as I pull her up.

"No, I don't want your help, I have to call Marissa!" She says stubbornly as she pulls away and reaches for her cell but collapse to the floor. I quickly race to pick her up.

"Charley, I seriously need to take you to the hospital, I'm not asking!" I affirm and pull her to lean on me and walk her to the front door.

"Wait Wait Wait, I feel liquid!" She says and panics. My eyes widen, what the fuck does that even mean? She glances down and there's a fucking river of blood running down her leg.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yell out afraid. Why the fuck is that happening!? She's only 6 and a half months, that shouldn't be happing.


"Everything is normal Ms.[insert Charley last name when I find it]. The baby was pushing down on your cervix causing extreme pain and the bleeding. That's completely normal, just means the baby is running out of room," she chuckles as she rubs my belly softly. I nod.

"I noticed that your blood pressure was high, try avoiding stress and conflicting problems, just rest because you still have 2 and a half months left before this baby is ready to be here." I eye Cher to let her know she's my problem and the reason my blood pressure is high. She doesn't notice. 

"Okay thanks Dr.Carter." She nods and exits the room. Cher stands by my side and bite her nails nervously.

"I-Is there anything I can help with?" She questions.

"No, but can you just leave me alone, please! I'm begging you Cher, I don't want you in my life right now. You're toxic and don't care about me." I still stare. Pain fills her eyes as she just stares at me heartbroken. That was the hardest statement I've ever had to state but it had to be done because I need to protect myself.

"Charley I'm—" She tries, but I'm tired and angry. I just need her away from me.

"God Cher, please leave me alone! Go away!" I yell to her. I can feel the tears and the anger. If I wasn't in pain, I'll punch her again. That's how much she has caused me so much distress.

"O-okay," she stutters and nods. Just as she's about to exit, Marissa enters in panic mode.

"Oh my god, are you okay? How's everything? How's the baby!?" She throws all these questions at me as she comes to my side and rubs my cheek and forehead.

"You look stressed," she says as she smooths my hair.

"The baby is fine, I'm fine, she was just being very active. Doctor says she's a very big healthy baby already, thinks she's running out of room with being just 6 months," she smiles down and nods. I look over her shoulder only to see Cher has left.

Merissa is a nice person, I met her through this group with couples that struggled with pregnancy. I didn't go looking to be a surrogate mother. Her and her husband had been having issues for 3 years now and they've been looking for a surrogate mother for awhile, she asked and I replied yes. What really made me reply yes is because it comes with great benefits. The Walkers volunteered to pay off my schooling, and help me with home things with a monthly "allowance" of $600 bucks, which I refused because them paying for my school was enough, but they insisted.

A GIRL LIKE HER (Lesbian Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora