26-Dinner with the family

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"Charley we're going to my moms, not fucking space," I growl out. This is my last week here and then I fly out to L.A this Saturday—of course to finish my life. Summers close to being over and Charley has to go back to school.

"I have to look cute, stupid." My family has seen Charley when she use to have boogers coming out of her nose, I think her presence now is far more satisfying.

"You've seen my mom multiple times! This is not our first dinner so come on. You always look beautiful." I'm trying to throw out so much stuff to get her out the fucking bathroom. Shes been in there for an hour now and I want to just give up and not go anywhere.

"Yeah, and you always look beautiful too, but 1 more minute!" She demands and I groan out. I was done in 10 minutes tops. I threw on some black sweats, a grey shirt and some black sneakers and ruffled my short hair.

I scroll down my instagram feed and spot a half naked girl. Hm, I think to myself

"Like her pic and I cut your thumb off." I turn and Charley stands there looking stunning as she watches my movement.

"I w-wasn't going to heart it," I stutter nervously. I was indeed going to like it, but its just a like, isn't like I was asking her out or trying to fuck her. She walks over to me to places a kiss onto my cheek.

"Okay now lets go," she smiles as she grabs her jacket.

"I don't think I want to go anymore," I mutter and she frowns and pulls my hand.

"I'm sorry babe, I really needed to look cuuuttee." She says as she drags the word. I roll my eyes and rub at her hand softly.

"Well you always look good in my eyes. I remember you didn't even wear a drop of lipgloss now it's planted on the side of my face," I grunt out as I wipe at the sticky feeling.

"Oh shut up before I kiss all over your face," she says as she shoves me.

"Take the lipgloss off and I'll gladly enjoy it," I grin and she nudges my head softly as I lean in for a kiss.

"No, you asshole." She tries to walk away but I pull her arm and she falls into my lap.

"You look very beautiful Brownie," I grin and she chuckles at my nickname. My hand caresses her exposed skin, intaking the smooth silk feeling. Her wonderful scent of cocoa butter and vanilla fills my nostrils. I can practically eat her right now.

"I told you do not call me that." She blushes as she buries her face into the crook of my neck.

"It's just your skin is so brown and chocolate and sweet." I bite at my lip as my hand moves over her stomach and onto her boobs.

"You know I'm not actual chocolate, like I don't taste like chocolate literally," she explains sheepishly.

"You'll be surprised on what it taste like down there," I chuckle and she laughs loudly and tries to rise out of my lap.

"I think we'll have to be late to my moms dinner," I simply state as my hand slides f her boobs and the other up her leg and under her dress.

"No way, after you just rushed me out of the bathroom, now you want a quickie? I don't think so, haul your ass because we're leaving now!" She demands as she rises and pulls me up.


We had to stop and get spirit cake or something to bring to the dinner. I really needed Charley with me for this because I was about to take a bean pie.

"I could have made a cake!" Charley grunts out as she carefully looks at the store pies. She's checking for the best pie with no flaws or dents. I casually lean against the birthday cake freezer while eating grapes I snagged from the "opened" bag. I just watch admiring her, she's so beautiful man. She so focused on finding the right cake that she doesn't see me admiring her.

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