1-We Can't Act Normal.

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Visual image of Cher's haircut. The model isn't Cher's character, we're only focusing on the haircut.

Cher Manson

"You're gonna be great, I just know it Cher," Jest assures cheerily and shakes my shoulders roughly. I hate when he tries to bring light into a situation he knows will be nothing but bullshit.

"It's been 6 years since I last seen them. Everything's probably changed!" I grunt out as I fall down next to him on the sofa. I grab the doughnut throw pillow and cover my face annoyedly.

This is going to be the hardest moment in my life. I haven't seen my family in 6 years, and my aunt just magically calls me and says "hey your mom has invited you back into her home. We're going back to Denver!"

"Of course things has changed, its been 6 years, but I think it's a great opportunity for you to reunite with them. You will finally get to see AJ, Andrew, Jax," he rants as he calls out all of my siblings names. I really don't know how he remembers their names. I haven't talked about them in awhile. I know it was Justina who discusses my past every chance she gets with him.

"Can you give up the Dr.Phil act for a second here. I know you are studying to be a "ologist" something, but just give me a moment to think," I growl out and place my hands over my ears. I do that when I'm nervous or trying to think.

"This should take awhile," he murmurs jokingly, but I take it offensive because I know he's mocking my dyslexia. I think that's why I stopped telling him personal things because he teases me about it.

"I'm studying to be psychologist, you should had tons of them," he states throwing shade. I know, but they were all bullshit! They didn't understand nothing and just gave me lousy methods, lousy advice.

"Jest, the only thing I know about you is that you're annoying as shit."

"You've known this for 4 years and we're still the best of friends, eh." He hugs me tightly and I shove him. He stares shocked at my push. I barely touched the little asshole. He grabs me and puts me into a head lock and we begin wrestling.



"Cher!" Justina calls loudly while pulling Jest and I apart by our ears. Her ear pinches hurt like hell. If I ever acted up in church, that ear pull would straighten me up in a second. No matter how old I was, she would pull as hard as she could.

"I've been calling you little shits for the pass 5 minutes, our cab is down stairs waiting for us!" She calls. Believe it or not, my aunt is only 29. I came to live with her when she was only 23 and I was still 16 at the time. When I was a kid, she was the only one who accepted the fact that I didn't want to be a girl girl in my family. Justina treated me as if I was her daughter. Knowing my mom and dad didn't have much, she provided for me. Unfortunately she moved away for college at 19 to California and made a living.

I ended up in her care because my mom basically hated me and the person I was becoming. We got into a big argument one late night over my girlfriend. I got really a angry and punched a hole into the wall, my mom called me a few names and threw a few glasses at me and band me from her home.

"Sorry," I groan like a three-year old and toss my bag over my shoulder and grab my phone. I brush pass Jest who smirks.



I didn't know what was more frightening, getting on the plane or seeing my family.

Jest turns toward me with the blue neck pillow wrapped around his shoulders and stares at my face. He soon breaks out into laughter as he sees the horrid expression on my face.

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