18-Great, way to go Cher

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"I took you in Cher! When you decided to leave home because you felt like you couldn't be yourself around your family, I took you in. I provided you with a home, clothes and shoes and mental stability and what did you do? Repay me with your ungratefulness, your sassiness, your drug addiction! Your gang affiliations, you being "trouble" period Cher! I tried, I seriously did but I failed and you continue to bash me for it. I'm sorry I care so much of you slipping back into the state you were in 4 years ago!" She says as she shoves past Jest and storms out.

"That was low of you Cher. I'm leaving also, got a flight back to Cali tomorrow and you probably don't care but this entire trip you haven't spent time with me, showed me around and you left me to hang with your family," he states and angrily exits. Which leaves Andrew who just stares disappointedly.

"Glad you're okay Cher," he mumbles and leaves also in anger. I turn to Charley who just stares.

"You should go home and get some rest Charley," I frown and she shakes her head stubbornly.

"No, just because you're being a bitch doesn't necessarily scare me," she shrugs and stares at me angrily.

"So I'm being a bitch?" I question annoyedly.

"Yes, you are! That was a bit harsh don't you think?" She questions as she folds her arms over her chest and stare disappointedly.

"Not really and if you're going to give me crap please leave," I grunt out. She still eyes me but her facial expression is replaced with a "oh really?"

"So you're kicking me out now?"

"No, not really but if you're going to give me shit like the others then you can leave also," I shrug and she shrugs also.

"Okay," She grunts out and goes to retrieve her bag. She brushes pass me angrily and I turn to stare at her small body gather her things.

"So you're seriously leaving?" I question confusingly yet annoyedly.

"You literally just told me to leave," she sighs furiously.

"No, I told you you can leave if you want, that's an option," I explain as I rub my forehead irritably. Why is she making things complicated, obviously I don't want her to leave! I just don't want to tell her that because it makes her feel like I need her, and I don't need anyone to think that.

"I don't need an option, I don't want to stand around and get treated like a stomp for you to walk over," she rants as she shoves past me again.

"Charley I'm not," she ignores me and storms out.

Great, way to go Cher.


"I can't believe you're leaving me," Emily frowns as she folds my last blouse and places it into my bag. She's helping me pack to move into my new apartment.

It's a lousy, 1 bedroom studio 6 blocks away from campus. It's in terrible shape but all it needs is a few fixes here and there.

"Yeah, this house, theses girls have caused me hell so I think it's best for me to depart myself," I chuckle lowly and she nods. She zips the bag up and moves it towards the door.

"Yeah, I know! I just hope I don't get stuck with a creepy weird girl. Or a mean grouchy bitch similar to Margo," she grunts out.

"I'll come to some of the events to support, you know. We can still hang out, and you talk to me about my sex life,"

"Oh, how you and Autumn be..."

"That's actually over," I stop her instantly and her face falls flat.

"Wait forreal forreal this time?" She questions and I nod and smile brightly. Feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder as I announce this.

"Seriously?" She questions again and I smile and nod eagerly.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus and the heaven kingdom above," she cheers out and I stare confused as she scones to hug me.

"I thought you were all for the Autumn and I ..."

"Fuck no, she was an asshole dude! I just loved when you told me about the sex stories, yes that's weird but she wasn't good for you and I constantly told you that," she explains and I nod. She did constantly tell me that Autumn wasn't right for me but me being stubborn and hard-headed, I didn't listen.

But I had a reason too, you shouldn't let anyone tell you how your relationship should and shouldn't go because that person could be envious of your relationship or want your soulmate or better yet, you. I know all about this because that's how I was with Cher and Jamie.

A lot of people could say I'm stupid for constantly going back to Autumn , heck I can even say I was stupid for going back to Autumn but I saw what others didn't. She was kind and sweet and I love her.

Autumn did state she hooked up with majority of my sorority sisters but I know for a fact it wouldn't be Emily because I trust her. A lot of people don't have my trust but Emily does.

"Yeah, I know, and I should have listened but I learned and I've moved on," I shrug and place my back pack on.

"So what about you and Cher? Is she okay now?"

"I'm eliminating her out my life also, I'm done with the negative vibes and I honestly don't need anyone bringing me down," I explain and Emily breaks out in a huge smile.

"I'm proud of you love," she grins and comes to give me a hug. I chuckle and embrace her.

I'm proud of me also.

"Now help bring the bags down?" I question and she nods. On my way down the girls wait at the bottom of the stairs staring upon me.

Margo steps forward with this bitchy look and holds out her hand. I glance around at all of the eyes staring back at me. I reach around my neck and take off the necklace and place it into her hands.

"It's sad that you are leaving with only your second year here at "Kappa Kappa Omega"," Margo says sappily.

"We wish you well and good bye," she steps aside and the rest of the girls does the same, making a way for me to exit. I walk towards the exit and Emily follows.

"Oh and," I turn to face them all.

"If any of you slept with Autumn, you should really get checked out, that dildo she has, had never been washed and most likely has chlamydia," I smirk and Emily burst into laughter.

"You weren't leaving without the last word were you?" Emily whispers and I yell, "NOPE". If you're wondering, Autumn and I never used her "toys" it was all pure lesbo sex.

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