2-Happy Dick Head?

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"M-mom, where's dad?" I question curiously/nervously at the same time. No one is giving me much information here, so I began to go insane.

"Dad!" I call while pacing through the house.

"Cher," Justina calls as I completely ignore her and zone her out. My mind is racing and so are my feet because I can't stay still.

"Cher!" Justina calls louder.

"Cher!" My mom soon calls and that makes me  stop in my tracks. Memories from 6 years ago flash from when my mom threw a glass mug at my ear. I still have the scar and it's never going away. It's also very noticeable.

"Can you have a seat for a second? " My mom ask while pointing toward the chair. I don't see what the fuck is so hard about telling me where dad and Jax are.

"Cher, I need you to understand me here... "  she begins and I stare at her annoyed. I'm dyslexic, not retarded. Can she just tell me where my fucking dad is.

"3 year's back, uh your dad had a heart attack, " I stand to my feet abruptly and stare at her afraid for her to continue on what she is getting at.

"He was doing fine until we found out he had heart failure, he needed a heart transplant on spot but there wasn't," My mom sobs through her explaining.

"-there wasn't anything I could do about it, we as a family couldn't do about it. He p-passed away..." I stare at her then at my family.

"Cher we're sorry, but dad has been gone for 3 year's," Andrew states. Tears fill my eyes and my palms sweat rapidly.

"W-what the hell? No-no-no. This is a joke right, this can't be, s-someone would have told me, right?" I panic putting my hands over my ears.

"Mom told us not to say a word about it to you you," AJ blurted out. I stare at her in disbelief. My nose flare and my cheeks become a tomato red color. If I was in a cartoon, steam would be escaping my ears.

"E-everyone knew a-and didn't tell me. My dad, father has been dead for 3 years AND NO ONE TOLD ME!"

"Cher, you weren't stable enough to bare this news." My mom states.

"I can't fucking believe this, let me repeat it, MY FUCKING DAD PASSED AWAY THREE YEARS AGO AND I AM JUST NOW FINDING OUT!" I yell furiously.

"Cher, calm down." Justina soothes. I look at her like she asked can pigs fly?

"Calm down? Are you serious right now?" I break down and collapse to the floor.

"My dad died and I haven't seen him in 6 year's, I wasn't even invited to his funeral. Do you know how I fucking feel right about now? I really deeply hate you all right about now. You all could have viewed this and thought was this really a logical idea." And with that I storm out the front door down the street.

"CHER!" Jest calls, practically screams. I ignore him and never look back. I need a moment to think things clear. I'm in so much pain. My heart is pounding and I'm ready to explode. I punch any wall that's in my way and apparently it's someone's garage and I do it repeatedly.

"Fuck!" I yell at the fucking pain traveling through my hand. My knuckles are bruised and scrapped. The neighborhood is empty. No one's in sight so I just take off my flannel and wrap it around my leaking hand. I had a white T-shirt underneath.


"Dude, I am fucking 22 years old! I'm legal enough to buy fucking beer!" I yell at the douche who will not sell me a case of beer. I search my pockets for my wallet. I pull out my ID and reveal it to him.

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