9-A Fucking President Or Some Shit?

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"Okay chill butchy! But seriously, Naomi is not someone to defend." Another blonde states stepping forward to glare at her. She rubs her neck and doesn't make eye contact with the guy who sends her a deathly glare. They all walk away and Naomi still looks at the floor. I don't bother to ask her what was all that about.

"Look, I can't say I was the best my freshman year, I was really fucked up and had a lot going on."

"You don't have to explain anything to me Naomi, I honestly can't judge you for your actions." I reply.

"I guess not, huh." She says as she folds her arms over her chest and stare curiously at me.

"Do you know where Charley is?" I question randomly. I have to apologize for my behavior today. Naomi looks up and nods.

"She's in John Adams room," I stare confused. Naomi looks at me and sighs. I think she should have better worded that or better explained who John Adams was. I know he was a fucking president or some shit.

"I'll just show you!" She states catching on to the fact that I don't know who John Adams is. We head up some stairs slowly drifting away from the music. We spot people in the long hallway making out or talking, or passed out. She takes me to a room and knocks three times. Charlie comes to the door with a hideous face of run mascara and tears. Her brown skin is redden.

"I should go check up on the others." Naomi says giving us alone time. And by others she means sorority sisters. Charley leaves the door opened for me to enter.

" Close the door after yourself, will ya?" I nod and shut the door. I advance toward where she lays.

"I wanna know why you're crying?" I question taking a few tissues out my pocket and handing them to her. I don't know where they came from but they're clean.

"Like you'll care!" She murmurs lowly as she takes the tissues away from me without a thank you. I actually become offended.

"I do because you're my best friend." I groan.

"No, not quite. We haven't been that in 6 years. But you come back here and think you know everything about a person you haven't checked up on or contacted. So I don't think you have the right to modify us as "best friends", ya know," she sniffs and wipes her eyes. The guilt falls down on me. I felt like I owed the people who really cared for me apologies, but I couldn't say it, I honestly don't know why. I understand we aren't exactly where we were when 6 years ago, but that's what I'm trying to fix.

"Good, get it off your chest now," I nod in understanding while folding my arms across my chest. She has every right to be upset with me, and I guess it's a good time to do it. I have a feeling that she's been wanting to say this all along. Since she first saw me in that park, to when we were alone in my old room, to the bake sale. So now I am all ears.

"No, you have no right to feel sorrow for me right now. You didn't last year, or the year before or the year before," she yells annoyed finally rising up.

"I'm here now Charley, I really wanna be here now."

"You wanna know why I'm here crying? Because I found Autumn cheating on me," she sobs out into the pillow. I could only stare at her puzzled. Just this morning they looked like a power couple, they were fucking adorable, maybe goals.

"Listen Charley, I'm sorry. I can't possible place myself in your shoes and how you're feeling."

"I feel like shit. Imagine that! Just a pound of shit," she sobs and I try my hardest not to laugh but I couldn't hold it in, I burst into laughter.

"I know you're sorrowful right now, but relating yourself to shit is terrible." She looks at me and burst into laughter also. We laugh for a good 30 seconds before she straightens up and wipe her face.

"Hey listen, I'm sorry for saying what I said. That was a dick move and I know you and Autumn had something special, I saw it."

"I really wish she understood that. I guess it's okay since you are a dick. I told you I should expect this behavior from you," she smiles at me sniffing. Her eyes are super puffy and red. Her mascara is still smudge on her upper eyelids and her hair is smashed against her face. I reach for the hair holder around her wrist and slowly help her put her hair into a frizzy curly bun. I couldn't do much because of my messed up hand, but I attempted.

She use to always tell me that her black girl hair cannot be tamed when messed with. Now I understand because it took muscle work to put that ponytail up there.

"Wanna lay down with me?" She questions, I nod. She scoots over and clutch the pillow and I lay down in a complete strangers bed.

"Whose room is this?" I question curiously. She snuggles into me as I place an arm around her shoulder.

"My friend Johnny." She pouts. I look around the empty room with posters of David Bowie, Patrick Swayze, and Grease.

"Would love to meet him considering the 70's and 80's phase." I mumble and she chuckles.

"Yeah, he is a work of art and will love you, and I think you will love him." She smiles brightly. I nod, maybe because I already have a gay best friend, Jest. He's not gay but he sure acts as if he is.

"How was it?" She just randomly ask. I don't understand what she is really asking. How was what? I guess she reads my mind because she continues.

"How was life in Cali? I always wanted to go." She plays with the zipper on my jacket. That zipper must be fun to play with because Naomi was playing with it earlier.

"It was, uh normal, I guess. I wish I would've went to college, but now I work at this center with the most coolest, funniest, smartest kids. I mean you will love them, how they think and their reaction towards society." I realize I am talking way too fucking much about my job.

"That's hard to believe." She states baffled. I try to glance down at her facial expression but fail to do so because her face is tucked into my shoulder.

"Which part?" I question.

"You and kids. You always hated them." She chuckles.

"Yeah, well they're teenagers who act like adults and teaching them about the real world isn't hard," I explain closely. My work I do makes me love the idea of work. It's as if I am not working.

"Did you finish out high school?" She questions randomly which hits me hard. I guess I don't want to speak upon it because words don't leave my mouth. I don't discuss that part of my past, not even when my therapist suggest we talk about it so I can "move on".

" No, I did not." I simply say.

"Wait, seriously? Why not!?" She questions shocked. I swallow a huge lump caught in my throat. I don't know how long I remained silent, but it took Charley to say something for me to gain focus.

"Charley I got into some bad shit, I followed the wrong crowd-" She nods softly against my side. I release a breath I was holding.

"I understand. Well I'll tell you about my 6 year's because I love being an "opened book". When everyone found out you left to live with your aunt, in California, the hang out spot wasn't the same, so everyone stopped coming. I stopped hanging around Jamie. She soon found new friends and I would see her like once a week, and then a week turned into months, which soon turned into years. Mark moved away and Dox got sent away to boarding school, so I was the only one."

"I started to work at the Diner to save up for college, met a guy who was the sweetest person ever. He actually reunited me and Jamie because his friend was dating her and we went on a double date. But I wasn't happy, I didn't have attraction toward him so I dumped him."

"And then I applied to 10 colleges out side of this shitty town and got into 4, but not my dream one."

"Why? You're a really smart person, why the fuck not?" I question sincerely.

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