16-The Slap

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"Your blood test came back and from our observations— you are diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome," Dr. Andres says, aka Dr.Dreamy. What the fuck is that? Sensing how slow/confused I am, Charley speaks for me.

"What is that?" Charley questions scaredly as she rises to her feet and observes the doctor worriedly.

"It's a disease that affects the muscles and tissues in your body causing pain and discomfort also a fever. It's generally wired by an infection. It is treatable with medication, such as pain pills, immunoglobulin or an operations known as "plasma exchange" where we clean your blood by finding a plasma donor with your blood-type. We're not done running test on you so therefore you will need to stay longer for observations and heart functioning," he explains.

"Is it deadly?" She questions again. This time Jamie speaks.

"Well you brought her in before she got any worse, so no, she's perfectly fine. If things go accordingly, you will be out in no time," Jamie smiles and I groan and roll my eyes.

"Good!" Charley breaths out as if shes the one in critical pain. The two exit and Charley stands their nervously as she sips her coffee.

"I'm fine Charley, aren't you missing a birthday party or something?" I question curiously. I mess with the fucking needle shoved in my arm. It's annoying, Jamie said she'll take it out, but she sure has been taking her time.

"No, I'm here with you!" She demands as she goes to the chair and takes a seat.

"Yeah, you are here with me, does your girlfriend know you're..."

"Who cares what she thinks at this point Cher, and she isn't my girlfriend," she grunts out the last part and folds her arms annoyedly. I guess because I mentioned her girlfriend at a time like this.

"How long is this one lasting?" I question without thinking. But she knows it's true, she's just going to end up back at her doorstep in a few days.

"For good, took me awhile but I realized Autumn is toxic and I don't need that in my life so I ended it, for good!" She explains honestly and I stare awhile longer to see if she's actually being honest and I believe her.

"Do you want me to call Justina, your mom?" I shake my head no.

"No, I'm perfectly fine, I don't need them here exaggerating the situation." She nods and takes a sip from her coffee.

"Seriously Charley, don't tell them," I plead and she nods and rises. She comes to stand by my side and I scoot over a bit, indicating that I would love for her to lay with me. She slips off her shoes and crawls into the small medical bed. She tries not to to do anything to the vital machine and what not. 

She places her hand on my forehead and makes an "ouch" facial expression.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" She questions as she stares up at me. Her beautiful light brown skin and puffy hair and big brown eyes stare at me.

"You just asked me something Charles," I point out and she rolls her eyes at my sarcasm.

"Why don't you want them to give you any painkillers?" She questions seriously and that takes me by surprise. She eyes me mysteriously. Our faces just inches apart. I couldn't lie about it, I didn't necessarily want to, so I chose to tell the truth. The honest truth.

" I don't need them," I quickly state and turn my face in the opposite direction. I can tell she's staring up at me and she won't stop unless I speak. I sigh and began my story. I really hope she doesn't look at me any different once I tell her about my troubled past.

"...A few years back I got myself into some trouble and my hand got broken. I had to have surgery to get it popped back into place. They gave me a prescription for painkillers but I didn't use them right away, they just stayed in my cabinet. A couple months later I started getting depressed because I got myself into some shit with some guys I owed and I was in debt to my fucking knees. I started to sell them, then I started to use them, I became addicted and I couldn't stop, it got so bad to where I started to use bigger drugs, heavier drugs such as... such as cocaine. I was in the worst position in those years but someone reached out to me and helped as much as he could," I explain and let out an exaggerated breath. I don't turn to stare at Charley, I don't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. The weary expression on her face. She doesn't need to know about the old me.

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