3-So What The Garage Do To You?

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"Jamie!" I gasp.

"Yeah, what about her?" Charley questions confused. I didn't really forget about Jamie, she just hasn't been on my mind. That night I left, I really wanted to tell Jamie I was leaving, but something happened I just can't remember. No matter how hard I tried to remember that night, I couldn't. I got completely drunk that night and woke up at a bus station. I was a damaged careless teen.

"Where is she?" I question curiously. She gives me a worried look and I expect the worst.

"Don't tell me she's dead too because I don't think I can handle myself." I sigh rubbing my temples with my free hand. She stares at me confused and shakes her head no.

"She's not dead, why would she be dead!? She's married." Charley states worriedly and shocked that I would ask that. With the things that have been jumping out of the closet, I don't know what to ask.

We get to the sorority house and I glance up at the huge "Kappa Kappa" Greek letters above. Charley opens the door hurriedly and we enter. I stare at the huge mansion. It's covered in purple. Everything's purple, from the wallpaper to the staircase rug and the chandelier hanging in the dining room.

"She's married?" I question confused.  She nods and walks me toward the kitchen. 

"Take a seat." She demands. I take a seat on the stool. She goes into the modern expensive refrigerator, she pulls out an ice pack. She disappears for a while and returns with an emergency kit. She grabs a couple of cotton balls and pour a little peroxide on it. She places the wet cotton ball onto my bruised hand.

"Shit!" I grunt at the light sting. She chuckles at me and stare at my horrified face.

"It's peroxide, not rubbing alcohol." It still hurts like shit though.

"You really beat up that garage door,  huh?" She teases. I smirk at her sense of humor.

"A smile? Don't tell me you're going all soft on me." She continues and I don't say anything. She senses that and continues with the questions.

"So what the garage do to you?"

"I was angry." I groan. She looks back up at me as she clears the bloody cotton balls. And places the ice pack onto my hand.  I remain silent like an idiot. She smiles softly at me. Her beautiful smile makes me want to spill my deepest darkest secrets.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want too, but can you give me a hand with bringing this fruit back to the picnic?" I nod and reach for the fruit bowl she hands me.

"Is your hand okay? I can carry it and you can just walk with me."

"No-no I got it." I stammer. She nods and grabs the rest of the containers.  We soon begin our walk back towards the picnic.

"My dad died." I blurt out. I really had to tell someone. At this point in time, I wish I still had my psychologist number.

"I know, I went to the funeral." She frowns sadly. Even my childhood friend got an invention to my dads funeral.

"I just found out today." I add, she looks at me shocked.

"Wait what?" She questions confused tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Uh, yeah. I was looking forward to seeing my parents after 6 years. I asked everyone where dad was and no one could tell me, until my mom just came out and said he died 3 years ago."

"Oh my God, that's terrible." She gasp staring at me worried. I nod and continue walking.

"Why would your family keep that from you?"

"My mom said I wasn't stabled enough to handle it. I don't really understand it. My dad passed away and no one informed me." I sigh. She nods.

"Cher I am so sorry." She frowns. I shake my head from the pain. I try to think about something different,  something that wouldn't make me break into tears.

"So Jamie, she's married now. Who's the lucky women?" I smile kindly. I know it's been 6 years, but knowing she's happy with someone else makes me cringe inside. She was my first love for christ sake. She was the first real relationship I had with a girl and I left her without any words, I guess. 

"It's more of the lucky man, and she's been married for 3 year's now." Charley smiles. She's married to a guy now?

"Where is she, is she still here in Denver?" I question curiously.

"Yeah she's..."

"Charaline, you're finally back with the fruit, the picnic is starting. We're just laying down the rest of the blankets. Also Anna needs your help." The brunette takes the containers from us both and gives me a shy smile.  I smirk and Charley groans.

"Cute friend Charaline!" She whispers to Charley, she throws me a wink and walks away.

"Still the playgirl aren't ya," Charley rolls her eyes and giggle. I could only smirk. It just comes magically to me.

"Well I better see to the help," she sighs and places her hands on her hip to intake my features again. I guess she really needs to know it's me, I know a lot has changed with me, physically and mentally. The me mentally part seeps through me and you can tell that I'm broken.

'"I better go, I've been at this park way too long." I chuckle as I stare longer at Charley. She has really changed, and I don't mean this in a bad way. Her caked in makeup is what's killing me, she finally looks like a young woman and it's kinda attractive. But she's my bes— Well was my best friend.

"Hey, why don't you stay for the event?" She says ass she turns to where they are setting up blankets and point. I shake my head.

"I don't really think that's a good idea since your friend Mango hates me." I frown. I don't really like her and I know at any given second, I will punch her in the fucking throat.

"Plus, I can't move or feel my hand. I probably should seek help." I sigh. It seriously hurts terribly,  I cant move it at all and I fear it's broken.

"Margo's a bitch to everyone, don't worry about it. I think you should get that checked out. You seriously got the best out of that garage door." She laughs.

"Yeah, see ya later?" She nods and smiles kindly.

"Can I uh, get your number?" I ask respectively.

"What! The famous Manson is asking for my number? I feel honored." I chuckle and she nods.

"Yes, give me your phone." She says as she holds out her hand. I reach into my pocket and hand her my phone. She taps her number into my phone and hands it back to me.

"Thank you, Charley. I can still call you Charley right?" She nods while I smirk.

"Good because I didn't give a shit any ways." She gasps and burst into laughter.

"See you Manson! " She calls as I walk back to the walking trail. I didn't really see Charley like that when we were younger. She was just my typical best friend. But now that I've grown and matured and she definitely grown in the chest area (I'm a single lesbian,  sue me!) She's beautiful. Of course I thought she was beautiful when we were younger but now she's stunning. 

I always had the hots for Jamie. Charley was the one who introduced us when I was 15 years old. That's when I knew she was the one.

It was one day we were playing spin the bottle at Ava, a real party girl,  house and the bottle landed on me on Jamie's turn and she leaned in to kiss me, and the kiss was suppose to last for 5 seconds but ours lasted for 10. After that we always hung around each other. Sometimes with Charley and sometimes without.

I had to stop thinking about her. She's married now. Things have changed,  feelings have changed. My mind creeps back to my dad situation and that's when the tears start to fall.

I thought when things change, it's suppose to be in a good way. But so far my life sucks all over again.

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