13-Wait, what?

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"Do you wanna tell them now, since we told my parents?" Troy states enthusiastically. Jamie looks at him weird and nervously and nods.

"Uh-uh..." She states looking for words. Everyone waits anxiously. I stare deeply into her orbs and she stares back. She breaks the glare and stare down at her fork.

"Tell us what!" Mary states anxiously, already knowing what's about to be told. I think we all know what's about to be said. I prepare myself as I clutch into the bitter knife in my hand until my knuckles turn best red.

"I'm expecting, I'm 6 weeks pregnant," she states lowly that it's barely a whisper.

"We're 6 weeks pregnant," he corrects squeezing her hand as he smiles brightly. She smiles at everyone then her eyes land on me. I stare shock and sick. No literally sick to where I have to puke. I can feel it rushing back up...

"Will you guys excuse me," I ask as I rush to the bathroom to throw up whatever is rushing up.

"I'll go check up on her," I hear Jamie state as she follows behind me up the stairs. I quickly try to close the door but she stops it from closing with her hand. She enters and I just begin to puke my guts out.

"Are you okay Cher?" She questions moving close to me and crouching down beside me and moving a strand of hair from my eyes. I push her hand away and rise up. And exit with her trailing behind me. I guess she doesn't notice that I'm trying to get her to leave me alone because she still follows me to my room.

"Cher can you stop walking away!" She groans closing the bedroom door behind her. I search for my gym shoes but can't find not a pair.

"Cher I'm serious, you don't look so good!" I'm pretty sure I left them here from earlier. Or did I even wear gym shoes? Of course. I get up and walk to the closet.

"Cher!" She repeats. I honestly don't pay her any mind and it's making her angry, but I don't give a shit! She's mad!? I have EVERY reason to be mad at her right now.

"Cher please look at me! Please say-"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY JAMIE!" I yell as loudly as I can. Her eyes grow shocked and frightened as she sees my anger get the best of me.

"Keep your voice down before Troy hears us!" She demands angrily.

"Hear what, how we were lovers when we were younger. That you were once upon a time "gay" and dated a girl that you admitted you were in love with when we were young!" I blurt out tired. Not physically tired just emotionally. I'm tired of this town, I'm tired of these people and I'm tired of myself. I just want to go back to California, at least I forgot this stupid dump and I was happy. At least I think I was happy.

"I was young and dumb okay. I didn't know my true identity like you," she whispers/yells at me. I stare at her big glistening green eyes as they stare back at me. I run my hand through my ruffled locks and stare at her for a while longer without speaking any words.

"So what we had years ago meant- well basically nothing?" I murmur lowly under my breath pulling my eyes away from hers.

"It obviously didn't mean anything to you," she fires back folding her arms and staring at me sternly. I stare at her with my eyebrow arched angrily.

"Why the fuck does everyone keep throwing that bullshit in my face! There were plenty of reasons for me to leave this bullshit town. And now when I come back everything's changed and everyone blames me leaving for that!" I yell angrily and she shushes me.

"Can you be any more louder!" She grunts under her breath. Ugh, my head is hurting and I'm burning up right now, I don't have time for this.

"Actually I can, wanna see?" I prepare to shout as loud as my lungs could go but she shoves me to be quiet.

"You're being childish!" She states.

"I'm being childish, oh wow," I state baffled and annoyed with this conversation and her.

"Yes, you are! And I can continuously bring this situation up like everyone else because you left everyone behind, you left me behind,YOU LEFT US BEHIND! So you have no fucking judgement to make upon my marriage and pregnancy! Yes I loved you Cher! I loved you with so much in me. You were everything I could ask for but we were young and you left!" She cried out. I just stare at her as she sighs and sighs out of breath from her rant.

"And I said I was fucking sorry."

"No you didn't! You never apologized, you never called me, you didn't give me a heads up on you leaving for 6 years. I called and called your moms phone and she told me she haven't heard a word from you either. I cared Cher!" She cries more as tears fall down her eyes and she stares at me without blinking or wiping at them. I so bad wanted to wipe them away and kiss her, but I knew I couldn't. But my body fought against it and I rushed to her and stood in front of her wiping away the tears that have fallen along with the mascara. I wipe at her lips and slowly bring mine to hover over hers. She doesn't move and neither does I. My hands rest in either side of her cheek, I tilt her head to stare at me. Her green orbs glistening with tears, she pouts adorably.

We stay like this for awhile. Her breaths slowing down and the only thing that's active is the ceiling fan. I know I can't kiss her, she's married, but I need to feel her lips. I need to know that if I was so happen to lean in and place my lips on her small soft ones, will she acknowledge them. Before I could get my answer—there's a knock at the door and she quickly pulls away from me.

"Jamie are you alright?" Troy calls. She wipes at the smeared mascara and scrub at her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine honey, just catching up on history," she shutters as she stares sternly at me. She doesn't break the heartbroken stare she is giving. I finally break the stare and brush pass her and head for the door and down the staircase.

"Are you okay?" Justina calls as her and Jest watches me pull on my shoes. I don't answer them as I wobble a bit from dizziness. I feel horrible but all I need is a drink right now.

"Cher are you good?" Jest questions again but I ignore him and exit the house.

"You can't keep doing this you know!" He yells loudly after me.

A GIRL LIKE HER (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now