14-Bob Marley Greatest Hits

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I sat in my bed glancing at my laptop for a paper I have to submit to get into a class that's limited next semester. I know it's summer and all but I have to submit it a month before so I can make sure the professor get time to actually read it.

My phone vibrates annoyingly and I groan. It's Autumn and she has constantly called me all night but I'm ignoring her for a bit. I don't want to talk about anything right now because I'm still skeptical about our relationship.

My phone continues to vibrate. I smack around for my phone and glance at the screen only to see an unknown caller. I answer it angrily.

"Seriously Autumn, you call me on someone's else phone to gain——"

"Hi, am I speaking with Charaline?" A random voice questions concerned.

"Yes, who am I speaking with?"

"Is that Charley," an annoying voice calls in the background, followed by excessive whining.

"W-wait I really wanna speak to her," the voice whines and I soon recognize it as Cher's voice.

"Cher? Where are you?" I question concernedly. She doesn't sound like she's okay, she actually sounds drunk.

"I'm better, how are you?" She says through giggles, not making any kind of senses.

"No, where are you? Are you drunk?" I state worriedly. I swear she always gets herself into something.

"I think so, I'm also high a bit, I smoked the fattest joint I could possibly roll," she chuckles and begins to blow raspberries.

"Hey-hey Charley?" She calls and I groan and ask "what".

"I'm so high that I feel like singing bob Marley greatest hits," she laughs.

"Please don't," I murmur but she does it anyways and begins to sing horribly to Bob Marley: Is this love.

"I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know now. I got to know, got to—got know now," she sings terribly. There's a snatch of the phone and complaining of Cher in the back.

"I wanna love you every day and every night!"

"We'll share the same room!" She continues terribly.

"Apple Fritter Bar on 103rd, hurry up," the woman demands and hangs up the phone.

Shit, what has she done now! I swear you can't leave her alone without her fucking up something.


I arrive at the bar and glance at the half empty area. There's about 4 people on the inside, which is kinda understandable because it's 2:30 am.

I glance around and the bartender waves me over and points toward a drunken Cher with her head leaned on the bar. As I near her, I could see that shes basically lying near her own vomit. She looks terrible with her wild messy hair.

"Cher get up, let's go," I urge as I push at her shoulder but she doesn't flinch.

"Let's go Cher," I call out and she moans a bit. I shove her again but I think I pushed her too hard because she topples over and just when I try to catch her head, it flies toward the end of the other stool and her head hit's it pretty hard.

"Ouch," she groans out as she opens her eyes slowly and stares up at me. I help her up and glance at the thrash that's now on her forehead. Ouch!

"I'm so so sorry," I try to apologize to a drunken Cher who probably won't remember what happened to her forehead and I most likely don't plan on telling her.

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