I Knew It Was You

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Taurus woke up at around 8 am. When she walked out of her room, she saw that Aries was already showered and ready.

"Have you packed yet?" Aries asked her.

"Shit, I forgot about that. I'ma go do that right now." Taurus rushed into her room and grabbed a suitcase. By the time she was done it was 8:30. She packed everything she needed and decided she will shower later and got dressed. She brought her suitcase out into the living room and saw Granny and Aries having some coffee.

"Morning Granny!" Taurus said as she went into the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Are you ready for your trip?"

"You know it." Taurus winked at her. "I'm just not that ready to leave yet..."

"Aw, it'll be fine, Taurus. Just keep in mind that you're going to see everyone again!"

"Yeah, but what about you Granny?"

"Oh, you have nothing to worry about, I can handle myself." Taurus still felt bad, but Granny was right. She was finally going to see her friends again and she knew Granny could handle herself, it's letting go that's the hard thing.

It was now 8:50, and Aries began loading the car with their things. He closed the trunk door and walked up to Granny.

"Thank you for being so welcoming. I really appreciate it!" Aries told her with a smile.

"Of course, anything for Taurus' friends! You are always welcomed!" Granny said happily and gave Aries a hug. He went into the driver's seat of the car to wait for Taurus. Taurus walked out of the house and turned to Granny.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Granny?"

"Yes, Taurus. I'll be fine, don't worry child! Now go find your friends!" Taurus smiled softly and then gave her a big hug.

"Granny, thank you so so much for everything. I don't know how I'll ever repay you. I really am going to miss you." Taurus told her, tears beginning to prick the corner of her eyes.

"Oh Taurus, dear, you have already repaid me by staying here. I am so grateful I had you around. I will miss you dearly." Granny let Taurus go and looked at her in the eye.

"No go find your friends!" Taurus grinned widely.

"Yeah..." She hopped into the passenger seat and her and Aries rolled down their windows and waved to Granny.

"Bye Granny, thank you for everything again!" Aries said as he began to pull out the drive way.

"I'll see ya later Granny! I promise I'll come by and visit!" Taurus told her. Granny simply waved back and smiled as she watched Taurus and Aries leave. When they were gone, she looked up, still smiling.

"Don't forget to bring all your friends here." Then she went back inside her cottage.
"Here we go." Taurus sighed as her and Aries were driving down the mountain.

"Yep, 14 hours..."

"It's not that bad. It'll go by quickly." Taurus told him. 14 hours is a long trip, but she knew it would go by fast, well she hoped it would. She just wanted to find everyone and go home. Well, to the home address that was in the letter. She wondered how big the house was going to be. 12 people living in one house is a lot. Especially if all 12 of them were a little crazy in their own way.

"You told Granny about the movers and your stuff right?" Aries asked Taurus.

"Yeah, I gave her the address on the letter so she can tell the movers where to send everything."

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now