Uh Oh...

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Shadow Men?:


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The signs were in two lines of six right now, each line with their backs towards each other. Why? 20 shadow men were surrounding them and watching their every move. The signs were standing completely still, observing their new opponents. It was like a competition to see who would draw their gun first.

"How long are we going to stay like this?" Gemini whispered through clenched teeth.

"I don't know, I'm thinking of a plan." Aries replied

"Well hurry up!" Sagittarius whispered loudly. The signs stood for a while longer as Aries was very concentrated on what they should do. Not only he, but also Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius were trying to think of something as well. The four of them all looked at their surroundings intensely. Until finally, Virgo widened her eyes. She cleared her throat quietly so the rest could hear her. Even though it seems like they didn't noticed, their ears were open.

"Water signs, pull the water from the pond and make a huge wave come towards us. Earth signs will rise the ground below us, high enough so we don't get hit by the water. Fire and Air signs will fly into the air and get ready for aerial attacks. I'll give the water signs the cue to pull the wave back into the pond. Ready?" Virgo explained the plan in a mere 10 seconds, as quietly as possible. She began the countdown.

The signs were all out of breath by now. Some on the floor panting. They had just finished their battle with the shadow men. Virgo's plan worked out good. Well, in the beginning. The water signs managed to pull the shadow men into the pond, but they only managed to drown a few. 16 of them emerged from the water and attacked right away. The fire and air signs began attacking from above, but eventually went back to ground level to fight. Everyone had their own one on one battle except for Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, and Sagittarius, they took on the extra 4.

Since shadow men fought in close-distance combat with a sword and their fists in general, the signs had a harder time getting the upper hand. The fire signs covered their hands and feet with fire to fight. Since they can manipulate water, the water signs sculpted their own swords out of ice. The air signs used wind to enhance their punches and kicks by having wind pressure bounce off them and hit the enemy. The earth signs used the ground to hit the enemies with things like big rocks and even pillars. Their attacks were powerful...but because of the shadow men's agility, they dodged a lot of the signs' attacks.

Towards the end of the battle, the signs were getting worn out. Their attacks were becoming lazy. The weird part was, the signs never really got to finish their battle with the shadow men. During the battle, all the shadow men paused for a few seconds, then disappeared into their own shadows and fled, taking the drowned ones with them.

"Where the hell did they go?!" Aries shouted.

"Who knows. I'm wondering why they all of a sudden paused for a while." Virgo panted.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now