The Proposal

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"Dinner in the main house? I'm okay with that..." Virgo said.

"It'll be like a family dinner!" Cancer beamed at the idea. Capricorn put his arm around the blunette and smiled at her optimism, something that he never seemed to have. He could never help but look at the negative aspects of things; that's just the way it is for him.

"And it'll probably turn into a chaotic and shitty dinner." Scorpio pointed out. Hey, who says Capricorn is the only pessimist?

"You're such a NEGATIVE NANCY." Taurus rolled her eyes.

Currently, the earth and water signs were gathered in the earth sign's house. The water signs often hangout at the earth sign's house because of the relationships they had with each other; as for Pisces being there...he just finds ways to mess with Virgo.

"Why do you wanna have dinner in the main house, Cap?" Pisces questioned.

"Something feels off, so I want to talk to you all about it." Capricorn shrugged.

"Is it about-"

"We'll talk about it later." Capricorn cut off Taurus. The bull scoffed.

"Allllright then, Mr. Serious." Taurus said.

"Well, I'm going to go watch a movie in the main house until dinner is ready." Virgo said, throwing up a peace sign.

"Count me in~" Pisces sang as he followed the brunette out the door.

The remaining signs stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Sooo, when do you guys think Pisces and Virgo are going to get together?" Taurus grinned.

"Soon enough." Scorpio said.

Across the room, Cancer gasped dramatically, grabbing the attention of the other three, and clapped her hands together.

"Pirgo or Visces?"
While Capricorn handled telling the earth and water signs about the dinner, Aquarius was busy informing the air and fire signs about the dinner in the fire house.

"Hm? This seems serious." Sagittarius said. The strokes her chin and stared at the floor until it looked like a light bulb went off in her.

"Aquarius..." the fire said in a skeptical tone, "is there something important you need to tell us? Something you've been wanting to tell us for a while?"

"What is it, Princess?! You can tell daddy any-"

"No! NO. This isn't about me, you guys are just being dramatic." Aquarius said, glaring at Sagittarius and Leo. "Capricorn has something he wants to discuss, and he wants everyone's intake on it, that's all."

"If it's something Capricorn needs to get off his chest, then it must be serious." Aries said.

"Yup. Every time Cap shares something with everyone, it's usually important." Gemini agreed.

"Do you think it has something to do with the whole mission?" Libra asked.

"Well, what else can it be?" Leo shrugged.

"Maybe he's going to propose to Cancer!" Sagittarius exclaimed. The others laughed at her random suggestion. Aquarius smiled and let out a sigh.

"If only, if only..."
A couple hours later, the main house was now filled with the twelve zodiac signs. The long table was set with silverware and plates along with platters of food, courtesy of Taurus, Libra, and Cancer.

"The table and food is ready, so take your seats!" Libra yelled over the noise of the other signs. Everyone quickly took their seats.

"Oh, let's open a bottle!" Sagittarius clapped. Taurus nodded and quickly went to fetch a bottle of red wine.

Moments later, everyone dug into the food and talked amongst each other.

"So, Cap. What is it that you wanted to discuss?" Aries asked. The others immediately went quiet.

"Well, there's something I've been wanting to talk about for a while now..." Capricorn said.

"Oh my god, he's really going to propose." Sagittarius whispered to Aquarius. Aquarius lightly smacked the fire sign's arm and shook her head. The blonde pouted and brought her attention back to Capricorn.

"It's about the training basement." Capricorn continued. "I don't know why, but every time I leave that room, there's an uncomfortable vibe-"

"The training basement? That's why you wanted all of us to get together?" Leo said.

"Let me finish." Capricorn growled. "The training basement is obviously a place where the past zodiacs have spent a lot of, but why does it feel so uncomfortable? It should feel like a second home, if anything."

"So what you're saying is...?" Gemini said, leaning forward.

"There's something ominous about this mission." Capricorn stated. "I think there's a lot we don't know about the history of this everlasting battle between the Zodiacs and Ophiuchus."

Capricorn observed the expressions of his companions. It was both confusion and curiosity.

"To cut to the point, I propose we investigate Mr. Sky and his past..." A stern expression dawned over Capricorn's face. "I don't think he can be trusted."

And just seconds after, the Zodiac's pendants glowed all at once.

Short, but sweet. Right? I know my chapters are usually a little longer, but I just really wanted to put something out there. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though! Maybe you should expect a fight in the next chapter, we'll see...Leave a comment and a vote! It's alwaaaaaays appreciated.
- Escorina :-)

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