It's All Just A Game

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The zodiacs shot glares at the yellow-eyed male as he continued smiling at them.

"Oh! This is Kepler. He's like my shadow: always by my side." Ophiuchus gestured to the shorter man beside him. Kepler bowed gently with and emotionless expression.

Still, the zodiacs glared at Ophiuchus, their eyes never leaving him.

They couldn't tell if he was planning to attack them or not. The whole situation was weird to all of them.

"Well, you twelve are no fun at all. I had higher expectations." Ophiuchus sighed.

"Why are you here? Actually, why are you doing all of this?!" Aries yelled.

"Why? I'm sure that teacher of yours told you enough about me and the story of my generations. There's no need for me to explain." Ophiuchus rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, stop being a smartass. You know what he meant! Why are you using your power to destroy Earth and Las Estrellas?!" Sagittarius said in a venomous tone. Ophiuchus gasped dramatically.

"Such a firey attitude."

Sagittarius rolled her eyes.

Ophiuchus smirked and sighed. "Well, I see nothing wrong with it. I'm just doing what we're all doing: following the generations before us." The serpent bearer frowned. "We all have a fixed purpose here and it can't be helped, whether you all like it or not. I will destroy this planet and Las Estrellas all together, because it must be done."

A deadly moment of silence filled the air before Aries decided to speak again.

"Y-You..." Aries stuttered and paused, as if his thoughts had suddenly disappeared. Libra looked up at the ram with worry and quickly took hold of his hand. In an instant, she glared up at the antagonist that stood before them.

"That's no excuse for what you're doing! It's wrong." She exclaimed.

"Yes, you're putting innocent lives in danger for your own selfish agenda!" Cancer chimed in.

"Am I suppose to care?" Ophiuchus chuckled. "I'll make sure I witness every single one of those lives being taken away," he said as he took a couple of slow steps towards the water sign, who was unfortunately closer to him than she thought. Capricorn quickly pulled the bluenette behind him.

Ophiuchus, once again, smirked at the gesture and made sure to look at Capricorn dead in the eye. "Including yours." He finished.

"Fuck. You." Capricorn said in a harsh and exaggerated tone.

Ophiuchus snickered. "Well, I change my mind! This is all going to be so much fun!" He said as he clapped his hands together.

"Disgusting." Aquarius spat.

"You truly are a sick motherfucker." Scorpio growled.

"Hm, is that so?" The serpentarius said in an extremely low voice as he looked towards the ground beneath him.

Ophiuchus turned his back to the zodiacs and started to walk slowly away. Just as Aries was about to move and actually say something, Ophiuchus turned his head towards them all with a dark expression.

"It's all just a game, is it not? You play your role and I'll play mine and in the end, we will see who the victor is."

The snake-like male turned straight and walked on.


"Yes, sir." Kepler nodded his head. He gave a polite bow to the zodiacs before he followed behind his higher up.

The zodiacs could only stand there, speechless with a hint of confusion.

Maybe even fear.

Hey guys, I know this chapter is way shorter than usual, but I just really wanted to put something out there! I'm sorry I take so long to update, but I can assure you that I'll never leave this story unfinished, it's my top priority out of my other stories. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter though! Leave a comment and a vote is always appreciated.
Thank you!
- Escorina :-)

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