Time To Go Catch The Lion!

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"Well well well, how's it going Scorpion?" Aries said as the walked up to Scorpio.

"Heh, it's going good, Ram." Scorpio answered. Taurus walked up to Scorpio and gave him a hug.

"Hey Scorp! I missed you!" Taurus told him. Scorpio looked down at the girl and chuckled.

"Haha, I bet you did." Scorpio joked. Taurus pulled back from the hug and glared up at him. Scorpio put his hands up in front of him.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I missed you too, Taurus." Taurus smiled at that.

"Get a room already!" Gemini yelled. Taurus and Scorpio turned towards Gemini and glared at him, both of them slightly blushing.

"Shut up!" Both said at once. Gemini, Cancer, and Aries laughed. Taurus sighed then looked at Scorpio and Cancer.

"So, how long have you guys been living together?" Taurus asked curiously.

"Oh, I've only got here a week ago." Scorpio answered. Aries, Gemini, and Taurus were all shocked.

"Only a week?" Gemini asked.

"Yeah, it's actually a funny story too." Cancer said. Then she continued, "It was around 9pm. I was just out on a night jog when I saw a party going on. I thought whatever about it until a certain red head standing by the lake by himself. I knew right away it was Scorpio. Right when I recognized him, walked straight across the lake towards him. We started talking about how we were doing, until we were dragged inside the house to party." Cancer giggled. "We ended up staying for about half an hour and then we left. I told Scorpio he can come to my place since his was a little further."

"So that's the guy you were leaving the party with! We though you lost your innocence!" Aries said with realization.

"H-Huh?! What do you mean, what are you talking about?!" Cancer asked nervously.

"I was given some notes by the King on where everyone was last seen. And yours said you were last seen leaving a party with some guy." Aries explained.

"Ah! I can see why you guys thought my innocence was lost." Cancer said blushing.

"Well, at least it was just me." Scorpio stated.

"So if you've been here for only a week, then what about before?" Taurus asked.

"Oh, I've been staying by Sun Lake. It's only about an hour away from here. I just didn't feel like going back."

"Why were you at the party?"

"I was starting to get bored. While I was walking around the lake, one of the guys that lived by me invited me, so I went. But I was still bored at the party, so I just went and sat outside and that's when Cancer showed up." Scorpio explained.

"While we were talking, we thought it would be a good idea for us to train together since we're both water signs. That's why he's been staying here with me." Cancer added.

"Ohhhhhh." Aries, Taurus, and Gemini said at once.

"So now that you guys are here, what's the plan?" Asked Scorpio.

"Right," Aries said as he pulled out the papers. "So, now that we found Cancer and Scorpio, we have 7 more zodiacs to go. It looks like Leo is next on the list." Aries smirked at the sight of Leo's name, while Scorpio groaned.

"Ugh, greeeat. That Lion never knows when to stop pushing my buttons." Scorpio rubbed his temples, already annoyed. Everyone chuckled at the history of disagreements the Scorpion and the Lion had before Aries continued.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now