6 Months Later...

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6 months have never passed so fast.

The signs were really starting to look like warriors. Who would have known? The air signs were cutting through steel and concrete, the fire signs radiated heat off their bodies that could burn you if you were standing a few feet away, the earth signs were growing forests of trees and plants, and the water signs exceeded at water manipulation and could boil or freeze you to death if they felt like it, they could even make it rain. And the best part is, they all got the hang of Mr. Sky's needle point blades challenge.

"Alright, Pisces! You're the last to go, then you all can go home!" Mr. Sky yelled. Pisces nodded and walked up to the platform. The others watched with no worry on their faces. Pisces cleared his throat, took his stance, and waited for the needles to come at him.

Mr. Sky looked at Pisces to make sure he was ready, and sure enough, his hand reached for the button, and as always, the same two men came out holding the needles. Once again, Mr. Sky looked at Pisces before giving the cue.


Right away, the two men threw the needles at an incredible speed. Pisces immediately dodged each on coming needle, it's like he knew where to dodge before the men had a chance to throw the next needles. With every passing second, the needles that stuck to the wall behind him multiplied, and with every flawless move Pisces made, the challenge seemed to become child's play.

When the last needle was thrown, the two men seemed tired out just from throwing the needles, and surprisingly, Pisces didn't seem to be phased at all. In fact, he was wearing a cocky smirk on his face.

"He really does scare me sometimes..." Scorpio muttered.

"Who knew Pisces was such a badass?" Sagittarius commented. Leo rolled his eyes.

"He's alright." He said. "I'm still the best."

Mr. Sky smiled at the zodiac on the platform.

"The was great, Pisces!" He said aloud.

"You bet. I didn't get hit once." Pisces replied. Mr. Sky chuckled and pointed towards Pisces' hand. The zodiac looked at him, puzzled. He lifted his hand and there it was: a small cut on his middle finger.

"Oh for fuck sake, this cut is the size of an eyelash." Pisces said.

"Interesting comparison..." Aquarius said to herself as she stood with the other Zodiacs.

"Still visible though, isn't it?" Mr. Sky smirked. Pisces rolled his eyes and walked towards the others.

"You've all come a long way since the first time we've done this." Mr. Sky began. "I'm actually amazed at how fast you guys developed your skills, I've never seen anything like it. You all, this generation of Zodiacs, are special." He stopped and smiled subtly. "In fact, you may just put an end to Ophiuchus once and for all."

The signs looked at each other and back at Mr. Sky, who seemed to be thinking about something.

"Wait, WAIT. What do you mean 'once and for all'?!" Aries acclaimed with curiosity.

"It's exactly what I just said. You 12 seem to be a powerful generation of Zodiac. Far more intuitive and stronger than past generations, it's amazing how fast you all work." Mr. Sky explained.

"Mr. Sky, how old are you anyway?" Gemini asked bluntly. Sagittarius hit him lightly on the shoulder.

"Ow, what the hell?" Gemini said as he rubbed the spot.

"Don't be rude." She said. Mr. Sky chuckled.

"I'm about 950 years old." He responded.

"950 years? That sounds terrible." Virgo cringed.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now