March 21st

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*4354 words ahead of you!!!
The photo above is to give you an idea of how the zodiac's new homes "look".

All twelve signs woke up the next morning in a good mood. They were all finally reunited and just in time for Aries' birthday, too!

Back in the Air House, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius thought it would be fun to make Aries' pancake.

"Pass me the eggs, Gem." Aquarius asked. Gemini passed Aquarius the carton of eggs while he heated up the pan. Libra was currently cutting up some strawberries and bananas to eat with the pancakes.

"Alright, I'm done with the mix! Here, have the time of your lives!" Aquarius said handing the bowl of pancake mix to Gemini.

"Oh! Let me make some!" Libra said, getting up rushing over to where Gemini stood.

"Hey, why don't you go on a date with Aries? That'll probably be the best birthday gift he's ever gotten!" Gemini told Libra. Libra blushed and glared at him. Then she flipped her hair.

"Hm, maybe I will."

Aquarius smiled at them as she sat on there dining room table.

"I sure did miss these two."
"Oh! I know! We can bake him a cake or something?!" Taurus exclaimed.

"Nah, one of the other signs are probably already doing that..." Virgo replied.

"Let's cook dinner for him later? Like a BBQ or something?" Capricorn suggested.

"Oooo, I love BBQ. Good idea, Cap." Taurus replied.

"Well, if we're going to do a BBQ, then we have to go grocery shopping." Virgo pointed out.

"That's fine." Capricorn said.

"Let's go after we eat breakfast though, I'm starving!" Said a very hungry Taurus.
"Alright! A cake it is then!" Pisces cheered.

"What kind of cake do you think he'll like though?" Cancer asked.

"Does it matter? It's Aries, he loves cake, no matter what flavor it is." Scorpio stated.

"Truuue." Pisces and Cancer both said.

"We should make brownies, too!" Cancer exclaimed.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go buy the mix when we're done eating here." Pisces said.
"ARIES. ARIES. ARRRIIIIEEESSS. HAAAPPYYY BIRRRTHDAAAY!" Sagittarius sang as she ran into Aries' room, which was across from hers. Aries groaned and covered his face with his pillow.

"Thanks, Sag. But I think it's a little too early to be so loud." Aries mumbled while his pillow was on his face.

"EARLY?! It's already 10 am!" Leo exclaimed as he walked into Aries' room. Aries groaned again.

"EXACTLY. LET ME SLEEEEEEP." Aries said as he turned his back towards Leo and Sag. A few seconds later, they heard a knock at the door. Aries sat up right away and the three fire signs looked at each other.

"I'll get it." Leo said as he headed out of the room and downstairs. He opened the door and saw Libra holding a plate of pancakes with Gemini and Aquarius standing behind her.

"Why hello there AirHearts, come on in!" Leo said moving aside for the air signs to come in. When he saw the bluenette come in last, he grinned.

"Hey Princess, how about a morning kiss?" Leo said as he puckered his lips. Aquarius giggled at him then put her hand on his face a pushed it back.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now