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4 hours have passed since they left Candle City, and everyone seemed to be sleeping instead of the drivers. Leo was starting to get a little bored so he decided to turn the radio on. Undone(The Sweater Song) was playing.

"Ooo, good song." Leo said, turning up the volume. Gemini and Aries woke up instantly.

"Weezer?!" Gemini exclaimed.

"Hell yeah." Leo replied.

"Oh, I love this song." Aries said as the three of them started listening. Then the chorus came on, and the three of them sang together.

"If you want to destroy my sweateeerr, hold this thread as I walk awaaay. Watch me unravel, I'll sooon be nakeeed. Lyin' on the flooor! I've come undooone!"

They all chuckled.

"Well Well, I think we can become a boy band."  Aries said.

"Haha! I think we'd be a pretty awesome boy band." Gemini said.

"I'll attract all the ladies for us." Leo said.

"Shut up." Aries laughed.

"Speaking of ladies... What about those three girls you were flirting with outside Sports Empire?" Gemini brought up. Aries laughed.

"Wait, what?! How'd you guys know about that?" Leo said confused.

"It was in the notes." Aries replied.

"Well that's a little embarrassing...stupid notes." Leo said. Gemini laughed.

"I wonder how your princess would react if she found out." Gemini said with an evil smirk on his face.

" better keep your mouth shut!" Leo yelled. Then Aries remembered something.

"Well what about you, Gemini? You were last seen with some blonde girl, where'd you take her, hmm?" Aries smirked. Gemini blushed and looked out his window.

"Well, I took her back to my place, of course." Gemini replied.

"Oh yeah? Who is this girl anyway?" Leo asked. Gemini began to sweat a little. What did he get himself into? He knew that if he answered this question, he'd be dead. He quickly glanced over at both Aries and Leo then looked ahead before answering the question.

"Sagittarius." Gemini said quickly.

Leo and Aries both didn't say anything for a few seconds because they were processing the answer Gemini just gave them. Then realization dawned both their faces as they both looked at Gemini.

It was quiet in Taurus' car right now. The radio was playing quietly, and Cancer was taking a nap. Scorpio was focused on following Gemini's car while Taurus was just looking out the window. Taurus groaned.

"Ugh, this was so fun at first, but now I just wanna get everything done with! I'm tired of being in a car everyday." Taurus complained. Scorpio frowned.

"Aw, are you saying things got annoying after me and Cancer joined you guys?" Scorpio glanced at Taurus to see her reaction. She blushed.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now