Frustrations And Unexpectations

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"What the hell is up with this city?! It is full of rich people!" Gemini said as he was looking out the window.

"I told you! Just wait for the annoying part." Leo said while driving. They got to Heavenly Hills fast. It was only an hour away after all. Right now, they were driving to find another hotel. Some of the signs thought it was ridiculous to look for another hotel since Heavenly Hills was only an hour away, but others wanted to incase the search took a while.

"Let's all just hope Libra doesn't act like those rich fools..." Leo said.

"Nah, Libra's not like that." Aries replied.

"Yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Leo said. Aries rolled his eyes and continued looking out the window. When they found a hotel, they dropped their stuff off and quickly went on with the search. They all took Gemini's car.

"Alright, so right now, we're going to Cosmo Gym, right?" Virgo asked, since she was the driver.

"Yup." Aries replied.

"Wouldn't it be nice if she were to be there. Oh, how easy this search would be." Taurus said.

"Okay wait. When we were driving while finding a hotel, I noticed that there are a lot of Cosmo Gyms." Virgo noted.

"Then we'll just have to check all of them." Aries said. Taurus groaned and Aries glared at her.

"Alright then... I'll just drive around the city and stop at every one I see." Virgo said and she drove out of the hotel parking lot and left.

Everyone kept there eyes facing out the window for any Cosmo Gyms. Finally, they spotted the first one. Virgo parked the car and they all hopped out and headed towards the entrance.

When they got inside, everyone was amazed to see how big the gym actually was.

"Alright, you guys look around the gym for the purple haired girl. Aries and I will go to the front desk and ask if she has a membership here." Gemini said. Everyone nodded and went to go look around the gym as Aries and Gemini headed to the front desk.

"Hi, do you guys have a membership under the name of Libra AirHeart?" Gemini asked the employee at the desk. Aries stared intently.

"Um, let me check, you said Libra AirHeart, correct?" Gemini nodded. Both Gemini and Aries watched as the employee was looking through his computer, but his face didn't seem to show any positivity.

"I'm sorry, but there doesn't seem to be a membership under the name of Libra AirHeart..." Aries and Gemini looked at each other then nodded at the employee.

"Oh well, thank you." Aries and Gemini left the front desk to go look for and gather the other signs. Once the gathered everyone, they all exited the gym and went inside the car.

"Well, they said there was no Libra AirHeart here, so I guys we'll just have to keep looking." Gemini told the others, then Virgo drove off so they can find another Cosmo Gym.

It was terrible. They found about 2 more Cosmo Gyms and searched in them as well, but there was still no membership under the name of Libra AirHeart.

They were pulling into the 4th gym, which seemed to be the last one in Heavenly Hills that they haven't checked yet. They all rushed inside, hoping they would find a purple haired girl, but there was still no sign of her. They all went to the front desk once again to ask about a Libra AirHeart, some of the signs were frustrated by now, so they were trying their best not to come off as rude.

"Hello everyone! What can I do for you all?" Ask the employee at the front desk.

"Can you please tell me that you have a membership under the name of Libra AirHeart? Please." Gemini asked for the fourth time today. They all waited anxiously as the employee looked through their computer.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now