Learn From It

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"Good morning, Zodiacs! Today we will start your training for defeating Ophiuchus." Mr. Sky greeted the zodiac signs, who had, once again, been waiting for his arrival.

"Late again?" Virgo's eyebrow quirked up. They all glared at him.

"Hey! I'm here, aren't I? Let's not get into discussion though. All of you, get up and follow me." Mr. Sky said. The signs just rolled their eyes and did what he told them.

Mr. Sky led them all the way to the first floor of the Z building. He made them take the stairs, so by the time they reached they're destination, some of them were already exhausted.

"Geez, we haven't even started training, and you guys are already tired?" Mr. Sky said, looking at Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini.

"Hey...there was...a lot of stairs, okay?" Gemini said between pants.

"Wow, didn't you guys trained at all while we were separated?" Taurus asked the four.

"Of course...we did!" Aquarius defended.

"That's not important right now, you guys need to get started." Mr. Sky said. He led them into the basement of the Z building, which was actually very big. It looked like they were outside. There looked to be a sky with some clouds and a sun. There was a pond in one corner and some trees in another and the rest was just one big field.

"H-How is this even possible?!" Cancer asked looking around the "basement".

"Magic, duh." Mr. Sky responded.

Aries whistled as he looked around. "This place is sick as hell!"

"I agree. It feels like we're in another world!" Libra exclaimed.

"I know, I know. This place is unbelievable, blah blah blah. Now let's get started." Mr. Sky said bluntly. All the signs turned their attention on Mr. Sky. "So for today's training, you guys will be improving your agility, which some of you seem to need improvement in anyway." Mr. Sky said, looking at Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini. "What you guys are going to do is simple, you're just going to dodge-"

"Seems easy enough." Leo said cockily.

"-needle point blades."

"N-Needle point blades?! What if we get hit?!" Cancer said fearfully.

"Then you get hit, and learn from it."

"Welp, I might as well die." Aquarius said, accepting fate.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. You will not die and you will learn to improve your agility. If you don't, you will only be a let down to your comrades." Mr. Sky said seriously. He then pressed a button on a little control he'd been holding and two men came out. "You'll be going one by one, and these two will be throwing the knives at you. They'll start off slow, but will gradually increase their speed, hopefully your speed will increase, too. Each trial will be 5 minutes." The signs all nodded their heads, some hesitantly.

"Aries, you're up first."

The signs all watched in amusement at how fast Aries was. He only got hit about 4 times, but they were hits that barley brushed against him. Soon, all the signs went through their trials.

Taurus got hit 7 times.

Gemini, 8.

Cancer, 6.

Leo, 4.

Virgo, 10.

Libra, 8.

Scorpio, 4.

Sagittarius, 6.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now