(SC) I Haven't Showered Since Last Year!

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Word count: 4750

All 12 signs were in the main house right now getting ready for their New Years Eve party tomorrow. Some of them opposed the party, as they just wanted to "bum around and watch movies all night," but some insisted, and by some, I mean Libra.

"No, those aren't suppose to go there! They're suppose to be hung over there!" Libra ordered. She was basically the party planner of the group and was ordering everyone around right now. She came up with the brilliant idea of having a "blast to the past" themed party.

"Aqua, get up and help!" Libra told the air sign that was laying on the couch.

"What? I didn't ask for a party..." Aquarius replied.

"Come on, Aqua! It'll be fun, just like before!" Pisces smiled.

"What do you mean by "fun" and "before"?" Leo asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh calm down, Leo. It's nothing to cry about." Pisces said.

"You know what-"

"Can I get a little help over here?!" Virgo yelled.

"Coming, V!" Pisces yelled back. He turned to Leo and saluted him. "Duty calls." Leo glared at the water sign and went back to helping out.

"So, what are you going to dress up as, T?" Sagittarius asked Taurus as the blew up balloons.

"I was thinking the 'We Can Do It!' woman. Ya know, with the bicep?" Taurus rolled up her sleeve to show Sagittarius.

"Duh, of course I know." Sagittarius laughed.

"What about you, Sag? What were you thinking?"

"Marilyn Monroe." Sagittarius smirked.

"Oooo, sexy, I like it." Taurus nodded.

"Aww, at least you guys have an idea of what you want to dress up as. I've got no clue yet." Cancer sat beside the two girls who were chatting.

"You should dress up as a greaser! OH, LIKE GREASER SANDRA DEE!" Sagittarius said. Cancer's eyes lit up.

"Ah! Good thinking, Sag!" Cancer gave her a high-five. "I'm excited now." Cancer grinned.

After the signs finished most of the decorating, they decided to go shopping for their outfits. Most of them already knew what or who they were going to dress up as. They were all anxious to see how they were going to look.

Tomorrow was going to be fun.

Nothing could go wrong.

"Wake up, guys! Today's the day!"

Aquarius groaned and tossed around in her bed. She heard footsteps coming towards her bedroom door. Her door flew open, and in walked the purple-haired air sign.

"Time to get up, Aqua!" Libra yelled. She walked over to her window and opened the curtains.

"Why me? Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill me? It's so early. I feel dead."

"Aquarius. It's already noon."

"That's early!"

Libra rolled her eyes at the bluenette and pulled her covers off of her.

"Come on, Aqua. We have to get ready for later." Aquarius groaned again as she got up from her bed and headed to the bathroom. When she got out, she was already showered and dressed. She decided to go to the main house.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now