The Truth Untold (Part 2)

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"Guys, this isn't working!" Virgo shouted suddenly from the back of the group.

Moments ago, they were all in panic mode because of the sudden sign that there were possible shadowmen around. Now, they hurriedly continued their search because of the possibility that Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo were being attacked.

The others slowly paused and turned to Virgo, waiting for her to give a suggestion knowing she's usually the one to come up with them.

"We need to split up to cover more ground." She spoke immediately to the others.

"I'm okay with that." Aries nodded in agreement.

"Aries, you and Libra will go more West of the woods, Sag and Gem will continue South, and Pisces and I will go East. There's no need to go North since we came from that way. Anyways, we will all use our tracking devices and if something pops up on any of our screens, we'll give a signal." Virgo explained quickly.

"A signal? Like how?" Libra asked.

"Aries and Sag can easily shoot a fireball into the sky. Pisces and I..." Virgo trailed off and looked towards Pisces, not really sure of what they could do to give off a signal.

"W-Well, I can make it rain?" Pisces said.

"Oh yeah! Pisces will make it rain if we get a signal, and if that happens, you guys will know to go East, and obviously the tracking devices will help as well." Virgo finished off the plan smoothly.

"Alright, let's split and get going, we have no time to waste anymore." Libra said as she tugged on Aries' arm.

"We should fly, it'll be more efficient." Aries said. Libra nodded and she and Aries took off into the air instantly.

"I guess we have that advantage, too." Gemini smirked looking towards Sagittarius.

"My exact thought." Sagittarius smiled. She glanced at Pisces and Virgo as an idea came to mind.

"You know what, how about Virgo and I take East and you and Pisces take South. Since neither Virgo or Pisces can fly, it'll be a little inconvenient for them if it was them to together." Sagittarius said to Gemini.

"Actually, that's a good idea." Virgo said.

"Whaaat? But I was so happy to finally be alone with you." Gemini pouted at the fire sign.

"Take one for the team. I'll see you later, 'kay?" Sagittarius said and gave a quick peck on Gemini's cheek. After that, Virgo hopped onto her back and they took off.

Gemini sighed.

"I guess I'm stuck with you." He said to the water sign awkwardly standing a few feet away from him.

Pisces scoffed. "And you think I wanted to be stuck with you?"

"Whatever, just hop on my back." Gemini said.

Even though Pisces was a little reluctant, he swiftly hopped on his back and Gemini flew off instantly.

"I guess I'll track while you fly us." Pisces spoke as he carefully took out his personal device.

"Yeah..." Gemini muttered out. "I never thought I would have to fly with you on my back, you're surprisingly heavy." He groaned.

"Shut up and fly." Pisces replied sternly. Gemini only responded by rolling his eyes. Don't get him wrong, he actually enjoyed being around Pisces because of his carefree attitude, but he was just hoping he would spend this time with his girlfriend. Oh well!

Meanwhile, Aries and Libra continued their search smoothly. Since both were able to fly and they were a couple, they had no issues. However, they didn't let the opportunity of them being alone distract them from their real mission at the moment. They were super focused on there tracking screens and only looked up to watch where they were going.

Libra briefly looked up at the sky. "It's already dark out...It'll be challenging to fight if we run into any shadowmen." She spoke.

Aries shrugged his shoulders. "We got this, babe. My fire can help us see better if anything, and we're both strong fighters! We all are." He flashed a big grin in Libra's direction and she smiled softly.

"You're always so optimistic, Aries. Please stay that way, for my sake and everyone else's sake. Gods know we need it." Libra said.

Aries nodded. He figured it was his job to be optimistic because he was the leader, but it was honestly a natural trait. He never liked thinking of the worst, because it would only bring down his motivation.

Now, Virgo and Sagittarius were having no trouble flying with each other. She may not have the look, but Sagittarius is pretty strong, so she easily carried Virgo in the air.

They were focused on the task at hand, but they were also invested in a conversation Sagittarius was dying to have with the earth sign.

"Sooooo, what's up with you and Pisces? I feel some tension. Sexual tension." Sagittarius said bluntly.

"Ugh, it's not like that!" Virgo exclaimed as she began to blush.

"Come on, V, you can be honest with me!" Sagittarius pressed on.

"I am! There's nothing going on between us."

"Maybe not right now, but something definitely happened." Virgo just knew Sagittarius had a smirk on her face.

She hesitated to respond. It was true that something happened between them, and Virgo wasn't one to lie. Even if she tried lying, she was terrible at it.

"Well actually..." Virgo shyly spoke up. "The night we found Aqua and Pisces, everyone was doing their own thing, including me and Pisces. We were having a hell of a lot of fun and, you know...-"

Sagittarius cut Virgo off with an exaggerated gasp. "YOU TWO SLEPT TOGETHER?! LIKE SEX?!"

"S-SAG! NO! WE JUST MADE OUT!" Virgo cried.

"Oh." Sagittarius replied nonchalantly, then her eyes lit up immediately. "Well, it seems like you two have some sort of attraction towards each other, and he seems to like you a should give it a try."

Virgo took her eyes off the tracking device and looked up briefly. Her eyes wandered the clear indigo colored sky. She had acknowledged a while ago that she felt different around Pisces, more shy and conscious, but she didn't think it was anything more than attraction. Eventually, however, it was debunked when she began to feel envious of any other females who laughed around him when he conversed with them.

A sudden flash from the tracking device interrupted the earth sign from her thoughts. She looked down, and there it was. At last, various dots appeared on the screens diameter as they drew closer East.

"Sag, go down to the ground. We got something, finally!" Virgo cheered.

Sagittarius brought them both down quickly, but gently.

"Let's hurry and warn the others." Virgo said looking towards the fire sign. "You know what to do."

Sagittarius nodded as she shot a ball of fire into the now dimly lit night sky.

What will happen next?
- Escorina :-)

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now