The Truth Untold (Final)

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She was awake now.

"I think they've found us." She heard one of the shadowmen speak.

"Let's just get them to Master, quickly. We will fight there if we have to."

Her wrists were tied behind her back.

She was still dizzy as she opened her eyes slightly and saw nothing but the fast movement of the ground below her as she was still thrown over the shadowman's shoulder. She attempted to use her powers right away, but she couldn't; it was like her powers were removed from her. She slowly turned her head slightly to the left and saw two shadowmen carrying two of her fellow Zodiac signs: Scorpio and Taurus. She then turned her half-lidded eyes to the right and saw another shadowman carrying Leo. They were all tied up, too.

"He must be okay..." Aquarius thought as she gazed warmly at the fire sign.

She remembered how he sacrificed himself to save her. It was when a shadowman appeared suddenly from behind her, Leo acted on instinct and pushed Aquarius out of the way, having the then unknown syringe poke him instead of her. She freaked out after he slowly lost consciousness and fell on top of her with dead weight; she could only think of the worst. That's when she started yelling for him to wake up, but that was cut short when she, herself, was poked by a syringe; then it was blackness.

Aquarius heard small groan come from her right. She looked and notice Taurus was starting to wake up. In an instant, the stubborn earth sign wiggled around aggressively, trying to get out of the hold of the shadowman who carried her.

"Pu-Put me down..." Taurus said with a groggy voice.

The shadowman snickered at her. "We'll be there soon..." he spoke lowly, causing Aquarius to shiver.

After a while, she started to question why the shadowmen had to physically bring them to Ophiuchus. Though she felt relieved of still having the pendant around her neck, why couldn't they just take their pendants and be done?

Other questions popped into her head. How could they fight back when their powers weren't working? Was this the end for them? Were they going to fail? What will happen to Las Estrellas? And Earth? Just thinking about the possible answers made her nauseous.

Soon enough, the group approached a 20 foot steel door with cinder block walls on each side of it. A Vortex guard look down from a tower right by the door and opened it up for the group to enter. Inside there were small barracks and shadowmen everywhere. But what stood out the most was the tall, cylinder-shaped building that was in the center of everything.

The group walked towards the tall building and went inside. Inside, there was a large elevator they entered right away.

The elevator transferred them to the very top, and only, floor in the building. When door opened, the group stepped into a very open room with windows that went all around the perimeter of the walls. The room was quite empty itself. There was a pillar in the center that lit up the room though. It lit up a bright white light with a purple tint from the bottom towards the ceiling, and on the top was an upside down pyramid that gave the illusion that it was floating. The only other thing that stood out was a large throne that faced directly towards the pillar several feet away.

"They are here, sir." The voice belonging to Kepler spoke.

"Set them down over there."

Aquarius eyes widened. She could recognize that venomous voice anywhere. "Ophiuchus."

The shadowmen practically threw their bodies down on the cold floor, causing Aquarius to yelp and Taurus to curse.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now