Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer

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It was quiet.

Not a single shadow man was in sight anymore.

The only thing that could be heard were the subtle sobs from Sagittarius.

Aquarius held her arm tightly to stop the bleeding from the wound she got a few moments before. She observed her best friend from a few yards away.

She recalled the scene that unraveled in front of her.
"Gemini, out of the way!"

Aquarius flinched at the worried tone in what seemed to be Scorpio's voice.

When she turned around, the female fire sign was already desperately running towards Gemini's direction.

"N-No..." Aquarius stuttered, her hands were getting shakey.

She watched as Sagittarius put her hand out as far as she could and shot her blue flames.

However, just when she was about to see whether the flames reached or not, a shadow man appeared from behind and swung his sword at her.

Because it was it all happened so fast, Aquarius arched her arm up as a last resort and used it as a shield.

She shut her eyes tightly, accepting her fate. But she soon realized that the impact never hit. In fact, she only felt a slight sting.

Now curious, Aquarius looked around and did not find a single shadow man in sight.

Her eyes widened and she brought her attention back to Gemini and Sagittarius.

Gemini was okay.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, was on the ground looking like a hot crying mess.

But who wouldn't be?

The only thing bothering Aquarius now was the bleeding coming from her arm.
And here they are now.

Gemini flew down to where Sagittarius was and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

The blonde buried her face in his neck. Then in a quick second, she pushed away and hit his arm.


"NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN DURING A BATTLE! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Sagittarius cried out.

"I'm sor-"

"DON'T BE SORRY! Be thankful!" Sagittarius interrupted Gemini before he can finish. "You cannot do that to me ever again." She sighed.

"Okay, Okay! I promise, it will never happen again." Gemini chuckled.

Aquarius smiled at the playful couple.

"Hey, let me wrap that for you."

Aquarius looked to her side and saw Cancer standing beside her. Aquarius smiled and nodded, handing Cancer her bleeding arm.

"I don't know what just happened right now, but the timing could not have been better." Cancer sighed.

"We almost lost one of our family members. I mean, who knows if Sagittarius's flames would have reached that shadow man?" The water sign said with a shaken voice. "I'm just glad everything and everyone is okay."

When Cancer finished tending to Aquarius's wound, she went to see if any of the other zodiacs needed some aid.

Pisces and Scorpio walked up to Gemini and Sagittarius, who were still on the ground conversing.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now