That Makes Seven

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"Wow, Astropolis hasn't changed one bit since we left." Cancer commented while she looked outside her window.

"I know, everything looks exactly the same." Taurus agreed.

"Since we're here, do you think the others would wanna visit the old home? After finding Virgo though." Cancer asked.

"I don't know. I'm sure Leo and Gemini want to, but Aries is sort of rushing to find the rest of the others, ya know, since he wants every together before his birthday." Taurus said.

"Plus, even if we found Virgo, we'd still have to look for 5 more zodiacs and it's already March 7th. That only gives us 13 days to find them and who knows where they could be." Scorpio mentioned.

"Well, even if we don't visit the old home, we can always come back, and with everyone else!" Taurus said positively. Cancer smiled.

"Yeah, you're right!"

Taurus followed behind Aries as he pulled into a hotel's parking lot. They all got out and paid their share for the rooms. Then they all hopped into Gemini's car, since it could seat more than 5 people, and Aries turned the detector on. Leo volunteered to drive, so he went to the driver's seat and drove everyone to Comet Hill.

About 30 minutes later, they arrived at Comet Hill. The detector started beeping as Leo drove by one side of the hill, so he decided to park the car so they can get out and search.

"The detector says the dot is over there, but it doesn't look like there's a cave entrance..." Aries said.

"Well, what if we just have to drive around the hill to look for it?" Taurus questioned.

"I don't think so... This hill is like a huge wall. It stretches for like 10 miles, I don't even think there's a road on the other side. And plus, the dot looks like it's moving away from this side, almost like it's inside the hill." Aries said as he started walking closer to where the dot was. Then it started coming into his view.

"Oh! There it is!" Aries said, rushing up to the little opening he found. Everyone rushed up after him and were surprised to find a little open that was only 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

"What, what the hell is that?! That's not a cave." Gemini said confused. They all stared at the small opening for a while before Scorpio spoke up.

"Well, let's go in." Everyone shrugged and went in one at a time. Leo decide to go in first, then Aries second so they can use their fire to light the "cave".

"Woah! What is up with this cave? It's like way bigger than it looks to be." Leo said as the others finished entering the cave.

"Weird, this was unexpected." Taurus said, looking around the cave.

"Let's start walking, it says the dot is that way." Aries said pointing ahead of the group.

After the 6 signs walked for about 20 minutes, a small light became visible.

"Yes! The light at the end of the tunnel!" Cancer said excitedly.

"Looks like were getting pretty close to the dot!" Aries said, walking a little faster.

As the signs got closer and closer to the light, the light just kept getting bigger and bigger, until finally, they saw nothing but an open plain that seemed to be a terrain. And in the middle of it stood an auburn haired girl who had their back to them. Taurus' eyes widened as she began to run up to the girl.

"VIRRRGOOO! WE'RE HEERRRE!" Taurus yelled out to the girl.

"Huh?" Virgo turned to see who it was and her eyes widened as a big smile appeared on her face.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now