What Do We Do?

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A/N: Okay, before you begin reading, I just want to say that I completely dislike writing fight scenes because I'm terrible at it. Like, I can picture something so intense and badass in my mind like The Last Airbender type of stuff...but it's so hard to put into words. Please, bare with me lol. But enjoy.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

The two signs stood ways away from their destination, hiding out close enough to keep their enemies on the radars. They waited for the others to meet them.

Sagittarius groaned, looking down at the tracking device, gazing upon the many many dots that appeared at the very top of the screen.

"This fight is going to be the death of us, legitimately." The fire sign sighed as she glanced at Virgo, who was standing a few feet away from her in utter silence.

"Like, how are we going to do this?!" She continued to rant on. "This is insane! There's no way only us and the other four can go against this, it's suicide."

Virgo stayed silent, seemingly invested by her thoughts.

"Seriously, this is not going to be easy. Do you see how many of those little fucking dots are on this screen?! Do you see-"

"YES SAG! I SEE IT, FOR FUCKSAKE! You're stressing me out!" Virgo cried. As if summoned to distract the earth sign from her overwhelming thoughts and what-ifs, two more signs appeared beside Virgo and Sagittarius.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Pisces asked Virgo almost instantly.

"What, do I always have to come up with the plans?!" Virgo shouted...in a whisper.

"Uh, duh. You're the smart one." Gemini said.

Virgo could possibly accept that as a compliment, but under this kind of pressure, it was more like a ticking time bomb in her hands.

Mere seconds later, Aries and Libra appeared from above, landing beside the others

"Update?" Aries asked.

"There's so many of them. I...I really don't know what to do, guys..." Virgo sighed, bringing her attention to her tracking device. The multiple dots seemed to taunt her.

"Don't worry about it, V. I got a plan." Aries replied as he patted the earth sign's shoulder softly.

"Okay, quick. What's the plan?" Pisces said.

"Libra got a short glimpse of the area from above. All of it is surrounded by cinder block walls, super tall, not as tall as the trees. The entrance is a metal door and there's only a single guard in a tower at the entrance. The plan is: we enter with powerful force. Attack right away. Use any attacks that can cause mass damage. We have to look and think fast. They may shoot at us..." Aries explained quickly.

"How far are we from the entrance?" Pisces asked.

"20 yards. Not far." Libra answered.

A brief moment of silence ensued as everyone seemed to be gathering their own ideas of attacks.

"Let's get going." Aries spoke.

In a split second, he took off, the other trailing behind him. As he rushed forward, he began to clearly see the entrance ahead of them. He started to heat himself up, as did Sagittarius, who appeared right beside him. Together, they formed a giant blue ball of fire.

The tower guard finally seemed to notice them and sounded an alarm, causing sound waves to blare loudly in the diameter.

With the entrance only yards away, Aries smirked as adrenaline ignited through out his body. With that, he sped up his pace. He held his arm further out in front of him, and Sagittarius mimicked his movement. Suddenly, the ball of flames they carried blasted forward in the direction of the steel door, propelling against it; immediately prompting it to melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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