Why Couldn't We All Stay Close?

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"Hey, hey, come on! Let them go, they're with me!" Gemini told the guards, who were still holding onto Aries and Taurus.

"B-But, Sir, they were-"

"I don't care what they were doing, let go of them." Gemini told the guards in a cold voice, and with that, the guards let them go and went back to their posts. When the guards were out of sight, Gemini turned and faced Aries and Taurus with a wide grin.

"Aries! Taurus! It's great to see you guys!" Gemini said as he rushed up to them and gave them both a hug.

"I missed you too, man! How've you been?" Aries replied.

"I've been pretty great actually! What about you guys?"

"We've both been pretty good, too. Especially with the search happening now!" Taurus said.

"The search? You mean the search? What?! When did that even begin?!" Gemini asked confused.

"It began on Pisces' 18th birthday, February 21st."

"Oh right! Oh my god! HELL YES! I'm so excited now!" Gemini said giddily. "I'VE BEEN DYING TO SEE EVERYONE AGAIN."

"Haha, yes! We all have." Aries laughed at Gemini.

"How fid you guys even find me anyway?!" Gemini questioned.

"The King sent Aries some notes on where the zodiacs were last seen and this device that detects our pendants! The notes said that you were last seen leaving Bloom...with a blonde girl." Taurus raised her eyebrow at Gemini and smirked. Gemini blushed, and Taurus continued. "Luckily, I had passed by the night club a couple times before, so I knew where it was. When I told Aries, we agreed to come here the very next morning and now here we are. We were at that restaurant across the street when we turned the device on and it started beeping!" Taurus finished explaining.

"And right when it started beeping, we went straight to where the dot on the screen was, which was here." Aries smirked.

"Woah, that's pretty awesome." Gemini told them, impressed.

"Mhm...Now who was that blonde girl, hmmm?" Taurus asked with a curious smirk.

"I-It was no one, alright! It's none of your business!" Gemini blushed.

"Heh heh, alright. I'll let it go...for now." Taurus teased. Gemini glared at her.

"So, where've you been training, Gem?" Aries asked. Gemini turned to Aries.

"Oh, I've been training in a meadow located in the Blossom Forest. I figured since it was breezy around there, it'd be a nice place to train." Gemini answered.

"Ha, that's funny. I went there to train a while ago..." Taurus stated.

"Where've you been staying?" Aries continued.

"There are a few small houses at the edge of the forest. I've been staying in one not far from the meadow I train in. It's about a 30 minute walk."

"Hm, well that's good." Aries told Gemini.

"Yeah. Ever since I turned 18, I've been coming downtown more. Especially to this club." Gemini chuckled.

"You like to party, huh?" Taurus ask Gemini.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. But it was more for socializing. It's nice to have people to talk to, especially if you have no idea where all your friends went, ya know?" Gemini smiled softly. "So, yeah. I would come here once a week, I eventually became a part of the V.I.P. list."

After a few more minutes of catching up and small talk, Aries and Taurus told Gemini that they were going to head back to their hotel to get some rest. Gemini told them he was going to go to his house and that they should come by in the morning and bring their things so they can plan their next move.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now