Tardy Explanations

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Mr. Sky knew that teaching the twelve zodiacs would be trouble, but he didn't think they'd be this much trouble.


"You know how much patience I had waiting for you?!"



"This better not happen again!"

Mr. Sky was actually being yelled at by his own students. They had a reason to though, he was an hour late to class after all. But it's not his fault his car got towed while his cellphone was in it.

"Good going, Sage. Now you have a bunch of teenagers yelling at you." Mr. Sky thought to himself. He looked at all the signs still yelling at him and rubbed his hand over his face before shouting.

"WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!" The signs went quiet. Mr. Sky let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Now, I was super late today because my car got towed and my cell was inside, so I couldn't call to let anyone know. I live 10 miles from here, so you can imagine how long the walk is. I'm sorry I made you all wait so long, okay? It won't happen again." The signs just kept staring at him, some glaring. Mr. Sky sighed again. "Alright then, take a seat in the chairs. You'll all be sitting in order depending on your sign." Mr. Sky finished. All the signs just got up and moved around into their seats.

"Aw, I wanted to sit next to Aqua." Leo sighed.

"Well, since you guys are opposites, you're most likely going to sit directly across from her, so no need to worry." Pisces winked.

"I love the view from my chair." Scorpio smirked, his eyes on Taurus. Taurus blushed. "It sucks I have to sit between these to though." Scorpio muttered, talking about Libra and Sagittarius.

"Hey! What's wrong with sitting next to us?!" Sagittarius said, turning to Scorpio.

"Soooo muuuch talkiiiing." Scorpio groaned. The signs laughed at him.

"Oh yeah? I have to sit next to these two." Taurus said, talking about Aries and Gemini.

"Yeah, that does kinda suck." Scorpio replied.

"Hey!" Aries and Gemini said at the same time.

"Yay, I get to be next to Aqua." Pisces beamed. Aquarius smiled at him. Leo glared.

"Well, I like my view, too." Leo smirked and gave Aquarius a wink, copying Scorpio's statement.

"Of course you do." Virgo said.

"Alright, are you guys set?" Mr. Sky asked looking around. He was currently standing in the center of the circle. All the signs nodded and began shooting all kinds of questions at Mr. Sky.

"What's happening?"

"What's up with these missions we're going on?"

"What's our main mission?"

"Are we going to die?"

"When's the first mission?"

Mr. Sky sighed and face palmed.

"Alright, ALRIGHT. I will tell you everything, ju-just please be quiet." Mr. Sky groaned.

"You're kinda mean, ya know." Cancer mumbled.

"Seriously. I mean, first you're late, then you tell us all to shut up." Gemini said.

"Yeah, it's not our fault you left your phone in your car and your car got towed, geez." Pisces added.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now