Hell Yes, This Is Great!

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Aries and Gemini were both driving again. They've been driving for about 5 hours with 4 more hours ahead of them. Gemini was, once again, bored driving by himself. They were driving on a pretty empty road right now, and there was two lanes on their side. He decided he would have a little fun. He put his signal on and switched lanes and then sped up so he can be driving next to Aries. He rolled down the window of the passenger seat, which caused Aries to roll down his window to see what Gemini had to say.

"HOW ABOUT A LITTLE RACE TO THE NEXT STOP, BROTHER ARIES?!" Gemini yelled so Aries could hear him.

"HMM, YOU'RE CHALLENGING ME?!" Aries yelled back.

"I MEAN, IT IS A RACE, DUMBASS!" Gemini chuckled.

"YOU'RE ON, BASTARD!" Aries shouted, Now determined to win. They both rolled up their windows and sped up.

"Are you guys crazy?! Actually, don't answer that! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY, YOU'RE GOING TO GET US KILLED." Taurus barked.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, Taurus, we're going to be just fine!" Aries smirked.

Him and Gemini were pretty tied right now. They both seemed to be going 95, even though the speed limit is 65. Gemini began to speed up a little more, hitting 100 mph, but Aries would not let him pass, as he speed up to 110 mph. They both saw a stop coming up ahead and slowed down a little. They both dropped down to 8o mph. Aries was currently in the lead, but that was soon over when Gemini hit 95 once again and cut Aries off.

"Oh come on! That's cheating!" Aries yelled. Gemini began to slow down as he noticed the stop getting closer and closer until they eventually reached it. Aries switched lanes to be next to Gemini. They both rolled down their windows.

"Looks like another bites the dust!" Gemini yelled to Aries, who seemed slightly annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, cheater!" Aries spat.

"Hey! No one ever said there was any rules!" They both rolled up their windows and Gemini let Aries go ahead of him again so he can follow behind.

"Boy, did I need that excitement in my life." Gemini thought to himself. If he had that much fun with only Aries and Taurus, imagine how much more fun he would have with all of them together again!
Finally, after 9 exhausting hours of driving, they were finally in Angel Village. They arrived at around 8 pm, just as Taurus said they would. They found a small inn to stay the night in. Hopefully, it'll only be one night, as they wanted to find Cancer as soon as possible.
Aries, Gemini, and Taurus dropped their stuff off in their hotel rooms once again, and took Gemini's car around the village to find a good place to eat at for dinner. They decided to eat at a smoke house, not too far from the inn. Once they were seated, Aries pulled out the notes.

"Okay, so we're finally here in Angel Village. Tomorrow, we'll go down to this address, where I'm guessing that lake house Cancer left from is." Aries explained.

"Then we can ask the people living there if they remember seeing her around!"

"Yeah, but then how are they going to know where she went after that?" Taurus sighed.

"Hey, at least we'll get some info." Aries reassured.

"Sure, if we get any..." Taurus said negatively.

After eating their huge meals, they went back to the inn. They had a feeling they were going to stay another night, so they went to the front desk and paid for it. After paying, they went up to their rooms and went to bed. They decided they will go get breakfast in the morning then go to the lake house after.

Aries, Taurus, and Gemini got up the next morning and followed through with the plan they came up with yesterday. They decided to take Taurus' car and went to eat at a pancake house. They left from the pancake house at around 11 am, then drove to the lake house's address.

(A Zodiac Story) I Guess We Just Have To Go With The FlowWhere stories live. Discover now