The Truth Untold (Part 1)

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It was late.

Capricorn had been searching through the castle's library for an hour now, trying to find anything that would reveal Mr. Sky's path.

He couldn't believe he was innocent. Even after Orion told him and Cancer the whole story. Even after he clearly stated how grateful he was for him. Capricorn still couldn't shake off the bad feeling.

"There has to be something in this damn library." Capricorn muttered to himself.

He skimmed through every shelf and eventually shuffled through them a second time.

He set piles of books down onto the table, just to get them out of his way until one particular thing caught his eye.

It was a box. Well, more like a briefcase. A black briefcase. It was hidden behind the line of books on the shelf. He removed the books that covered it and removed it carefully. He brought it to the table and set it down gently to scan it.

The were no latches that kept it closed, just a keyhole.

"Great..." Capricorn thought as he grew more irritated. He looked around the library. "I guess I should start looking..."

He groaned loudly and shuffled through the shelves again, hoping he can find a key anywhere. He had low expectations for finding it though. He assumed that if something the key wouldn't be anywhere near it's lock because that's how it usually was. Who would lock something, hide it, and leave the key close by?

After more and more shuffling, he went back over to the briefcase and examined it again, attempting to find another way to open it. He carefully stuck his fingers in the thin slits and tried to pry it open, but that did not work out for him.

"Fuck this." He growled as he tossed the briefcase back on the table. He rubbed his hand over his face out of frustration and stared down the briefcase.

"Wait a minute..." He said as he leaned closer towards it.

There, on the bottom corner, were small, grayish letters.

"'It Is An Odyssey That Will Enlighten You.'" Capricorn read out loud.

"Odyssey? The Odyssey? The book!" A light bulb went off in Capricorn's head as he rushed over to the section that would hold the ancient writing.

He skimmed through until is finger stopped right at the title and the side of the book. He swiftly pulled out the book and opened it up right away.

He flipped through the pages until it stopped at a section where the pages had been cut in the middle. It was a hole, in the middle of the book, and there lies a small, gold key attached to a thin string.

Capricorn pulled the key out carefully and held it up to his face.

"This is it." He said eagerly. He walked straight back to the table and slipped the key into the lock. He turned it slowly until he heard a low 'click'.

His hand lifted the top half of the briefcase slowly, and it reveled a stack of old worn out pages. He skimmed through them and figured that they were short notes. He picked one up and read it out loud.

"'The oracle at Delphi is in good care with me and Apollo. We will protect it no matter what.'"

"'Zeus and I still stand here, not consumed by Cronus. My mother saved me.'"

"'I've failed to become the god that leads Athens. Athena will lead with the city of Athens in her grasp.'"

After reading through a couple more, it took no time for Capricorn to realize that these were memoirs of the god, Poseidon.

"Wasn't Poseidon...Orion's father?" Capricorn said quietly to himself.

He went through more notes to see if he can find anything about Orion.

"'My children will be strong. They will hold my legacy until I am no more. Orion was placed in the constellations, but he is ruling Las Estrellas respectfully.'"

He rummaged through to find anymore notes about Orion, but stopped at a peculiar page. It was a drawing of what looked to be a sea creature. He turned that page over and found another note.

"'I've created and sent Cetus to slay, but he has failed me. He was defeated by the hunter, Perseus. He is no longer of use to me and will be condemned to the stars.'"

There it was.

The evidence Capricorn has been searching for all this time.

"This is it." Capricorn sighed.

He was interrupted by the sound of the library door opening slowly. He quickly closed the briefcase and shoved it under the pile of books. He looked up to see who it was who was entering through the door.

"Cap? Are you still here?" A soft whisper spoke.

Capricorn sighed in relief as he realized it was just Cancer coming to check up on him.

"I'm over here." He replied. He gently removed the book that laid atop of the black briefcase. Cancer walked slowly up to the table.

"Come to bed, I can't sleep." She said tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

He couldn't help but think to himself. "Adorable."

His mind went back to the briefcase in his hand. He lifted it up to show Cancer, who seemed to already be gazing at it.

"I found it." Capricorn smiled.

"Found what, Cap?" Cancer cocked her head to the side, curiosity written on her face.

"The evidence that will help me prove Mr. Sky is not who he says he is."

I'm back.
This chapter and the next two will be split into three parts because I realized how long they would be as a whole chapter. I'll release the second part a little later, just so some suspense can build up, I guess. Anyways, Hope you guys enjoyed. A vote and comment are always appreciated!

By the way, this story reached #1 in the Zodiac hashtag! Thank you all so much. I started writing this book for fun two years ago, but it's really turned into something and it means a lot. Thank you all, I love you guys.
- Escorina :-)


Dogs or Cats?

(CATS. I love my doggos, but my heart belongs with the felines.)

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